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  1. J

    stocking levels

    ok, thanks for your replies, i think i'll drop the mandarin then and go for a bengaii cardinal instead if the ammonia and trites and trates are ok after adding the others.
  2. J

    stocking levels

    Hi, I have a 22g tank currently stocked with a percula clown and a cleaner shrimp, i'm planning on adding to these but wanted to check your opinions on the stocking levels before i buy anything. I want to add a yellow watchman goby, another clown, a mandarin (seen it eating frozen...
  3. J

    T5 ballast wattage

    hi, i'm currently setting up a 50l nano tank, it's 30cm deep and is lit with 3x14w T5's. I'm not sure if they're 50/50 or just plain daylight, i'd like to put an actinic in and also higher wattage bulbs but i don't know the wattage of the ballast, does this matter? I assume it does but want to...