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  1. M

    Bare Bottom and Topless

    Thank you for the reply. I can appreciate the buffering qualities of the Argonite. I am totally surprised at the quick change in tank conditions due to the low volume of water when I drip liquid additives or buffers. I am also shocked at how much evaporation effects salinity. I am constantly...
  2. M

    Bare Bottom and Topless

    I thought that might get your attention. I just set up my first Nano, a 16 gal cube, a little over 2 weeks ago and have a few of questions. 1. I am going with a bare bottom tank so I can maintain the water quality easier. Are there any out there also going BB? Are there any advantages to...
  3. M

    Stocking my first Nano

    Thanks for the reply Skip. I think I will go with the Gobies, they are a pretty active fish in groups. I did not want to add any other fish to the tank, except for the gobies. My Clowns will get up to 3" and I wanted this to be their tank.
  4. M

    Need a coral ID

    If I had to guess I would agree with Echinophyllia, probably E. Aspera. Very nice coral. With that color combo I would think it probably came from the North Pacific rim, between the Philipines and Japan. They are usually found on the top edge of a reef wall, requiring a moderate to high light...
  5. M

    Stocking my first Nano

    I just set up my first Nano 2 weeks ago and I am starting to stock it. So far I have a pair of PNG True Perculas and want to add another fish to help clean up the excess food as the clownfish only eat close to the Anemone. I was thinking about either a pair of Bangai Cardinals, a pygmy angel, a...