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  1. W

    Hello..New Here

    Thanks so much for the welcome! :oops: Sorry for being impatient...patience is extremely important in this hobby..I learned that one early on :wink: Yes,I do have pics,but none of my nano yet. Do any of you have any experience or have you heard of an Odyssy aquarium?I saw a 10 gal at a shop the...
  2. W

    Hello..New Here

    Gee...16 views and noone can even say hello? :(
  3. W

    Hello..New Here

    :D Hi all!I thought I would start by saying hello and telling you a little about myself.I have been keeping a 75 gal. mixed reef for over 2 years.I just started my first nano tank a few weeks ago.It cycled pretty quick,as I used a good piece of LR,some LS from the keys,and water from my...