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  1. D

    IMAC 2007 is Coming!

    IMAC Attaboy wettank, we will be looking forward to seeing you there. Cheers, Dennis :gcool
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    IMAC 2007 is Coming!

    IMAC Videos Hi Everybody; Just in case you have never been to an IMAC, here is how you can get an idea of what to expect. Just go to and scroll down to the bottom of the home page. You can see major portions (and in some cases their entire talk) of the presentations given...
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    IMAC 2007 is Coming!

    Hi Everybody; We just had a fantastic IMAC this year and broke all records for the number of attendees and exhibitors. If you have never attended a major reef aquarist’s conference let me give you some idea of what to expect. There are 3 days of lectures by some of the world’s...
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    IMAC Hotel Still offering $93/nite

    Hi Everybody; I just got word that the Crowne Plaza (the IMAC Host Hotel) is still honoring the $93/nite rate even though the June 2 deadline has passed and they have increased our room block twice now. So there is still time to register and get in on one of the biggest marine aquarium...