Search results

  1. M

    Tru Vu 3.5 Nano...

    Hey Reefers, I finally cycled my 3.5 in my bedroom. I waited 2 months before adding my main specimens. It's still in it's early stages but I wanted to share my progress with you guys. I am limited with lighting, I only have the coralite 18 watt power compact in the hood. I could've gone...
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    Nano Refuge questions...

    Hi reefers, Can someone guide me on how much live rock rubble to drop in the second compartment in a 12 gallon cube? Also I've been able to place the coral light 3/4 moon light hanging directly over the 2nd compartment. I guess some light is better than no light. I've heard many others...
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    Dec. Contest Winner - Incysor

    Hi Dj I was wondering when you were going to post the pic of the winner up on the site... It's going to stand out really nice... Mike
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    Return Nozzle....

    After seeing different post on water movement and return nozzles in a JBJ cube I thought I would throw in this interesting link: ... adid=33156 It's for you Dragon, I think you'll find it interesting. Mike
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    Updated Pics - Perfecting Macro...

    Hi guys, Like I promised, I got my Canon S500 and I'm getting better at the manual mode and macro. Here are some new pics of my tank, with it's 102 watts of power in just 9 1/2 gallons of H20... Hope you enjoy.... Mike
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    Salifert results...

    Hey guys, Here are my results on my testing: Specific gravity: 29 ppt Temperature: 79.1 F Ammonia: < .25 mg/L Nitrite: .025 ppm Nitrate: 10 ppm Calcium: 500 ppm I was concerned with my calcium level, is that too high. They say natural sea water is about 420-450. I'm...
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    Hey Reefers, Anyone ever use chemi-pure in there nanos? I have removed my bio-balls and my ceramic rings in order to bring down my nitrates which are at 20 m/g. I have also removed the stock carbon that comes with the nano. I figure it's been almost 4 months and I need new carbon. So...
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    It's alive!!! 102 watts arrived... Check out the pics....

    Hey guys, Can you believe it, I officially have 102 watts of lighting in my 12 gallon nano cube deluxe. That means 102 watts divided by 9.5 gallons that are H20 in this tank. That would give me 10.73 watts per gallon rule. That makes me a happy camper. I haven't gotten the chance to...
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    HitchHikers; lets meet them!!!

    This shouldn't be too hard everyone at one point has picked up a hitchhikers; lets meet them.... Mine are two very small baby brittle stars, I'll post the pic later... Dragon picked up his first hitchhiker; he has posted the pic... Mike
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    400 post....

    Just wanted to say congratulations Incysor, for reaching 400 posts, you are truly a voice to be heard.... Thanks, Mike
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    New Pictures of Nano Tank Deluxe...

    Hi reefers, I did some rearranging of corals due to fighting, and things are a lot better since I spaced them apart. I hope you enjoy the new pics... Taken with Canon S500, macro... Mike
  12. M

    Flat Worms???

    So I'm showing off my new mechanical filter and Incysor mentions how he used it after he erradicated his flat worms. So I start to wonder what is a flat worm and why are they bad. Then I do a little research and find out I have them; they are those little translucent suckers I scrape off my...
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    Mechanical Filtration vs Nitrate

    Hey Reefers, My Marineland HOT Magnum came in today. I had a problem with my first one and they sent me a new one that works like a charm. Once a month I create a tropical storm in my nano cube, let me explain. A lot of debris gets in between my rocks and behind in the filter area of the...
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    102 watts of power JBJ Nano Cube Deluxe...

    Hey reefers, I placed my order today, 102 watts of power should come in in 2 weeks. Chris the owner of sold me my 1st upgrade, 78 watts of power, but because of a flaw design in the canopy of the deluxe my tank got too hot. I talked to Chris and he called JBJ and found...
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    Reef Starter Kit...

    Hey reefers, I've never been a consumer of the additives department, example idodine, calcium, and strontium supplements. I'm starting to worry that I should add to my reef these additives as religiously as I do water changes. I'd like to get an idea of what you reefers are adding to your...
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    Advice requested re: Corals are fighting...

    Okay guys, I need your help on this one. As most of you know from my pics my nano is packed with corals. My frog spawn is in the middle, directly behind him is my plate coral. To the right of the frog spawn is my torch coral and then to the right is my elegance coral. Well, my elegance...
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    Modified 12 Gallon JBJ Nano Tank Pics

    Here's my pics. Tell me what you think. This is my 78 watts of modified power on the JBJ Deluxe. I have 48 watts stock and then I upgraded to three 10 watt 03 actnic T-5. I have more inhabitants but they were shy during the picture snapping. The tank is mature...
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    Deep Six Hydromerter vs Instant Oceans Hydrometer...

    Just curious on users to give their opinion? Which one works best for them? Instant Oceans has been out for years since my reefing days back in 1991 when I started.... But recently I've seen the Coralife Deep six advertising it's better since it checks the water at a lower level.... What...
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    Test Kits (Which is the best)

    Hey Reefers, I'm tired of driving down to my LFS for salt water test on my water. What kit is considered the elite of the bunch. Five years ago I owned one that tested everything including Low Nitrates etc.... My little brother Dragon79, said his friend has a digital program that reads...