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  1. M

    Updated Pics JBJ cube...

    Hey reefers, I've been wanting to take pictures of my tank at a distance so you can see the overall view, hope you guys and gals enjoy. Also a lot of you reefers are asking me what components are inside the cube, so I took a picture of them as well. Many even ask what's inside the...
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    Can we take a quick poll ???

    Hey reefers, Won't take but 4 seconds to vote.... I've been asked to endorse with my signature to the JBJ nanocube DX Hood at Each hood will carry this signature somewhere on the hood via a sticker or decal I don't know yet. Reefers know me by mikeguerrero through...
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    Signature series @

    Hey reefers, Today at work Chris the owner of calls me to gain permission to have my original signature placed on future hoods modded after my hood. I was totally honored and agreed to have my signature placed on the hoods. Now who would of thought my signature would...
  4. M

    SPS corals 12 gallon Nano Deluxe (New Pics)

    Hey Reefers, Thanks for being patient with my new setup. I'm very happy with the way it's looking. Please enjoy the pictures and any comments or questions will be greatly appreciated. I also took side shots, just cause I know Incysor likes the extras :wink: Thanks, Mike
  5. M

    R-2 moonlight + two 3/4 coralife moonlights..

    In my 12 gallon nano cube, I use the R-2 moonlight on the left side of the hood, followed by two 3/4 coralife moonlights on the other side. The view is really nice and uniformed in my tank and I run them on a digital timer from 9pm to 6am. My critters love this security light during the...
  6. M

    CPR Aquatics 6 gallon tank....

    Hey Reefers, I'm about the take the plunge this weekend on this tank. I have decided to retire the 3.5 tru vu tank. All it's contents live rock + critters are going to go into the new tank. I'm ordering the one that has the black canopy and 36 watts total power. Best price my LFS is...
  7. M

    Captive purity refractometer w/ light ....

    Hey reefers, My refractometer with light came in yesterday and I calibrated it easy. Then I tested both tanks with the refractometer and then the deep six hydrometer. Results: 12 gallon nano hydrometer 1.023 refractometer 1.026 3.5 tru Vu tank hydrometer 1.023...
  8. M

    Egg cartons????

    I've been hearing a lot of talk about egg cartons being used with a reef tanks. Can someone educate me on the purpose and how it's used??? Mike
  9. M

    SPS question....

    Hey reefers, Since my migration over to SPS lots of reefers are lending me good advice. I appreciate all the help :smile: So here comes another question: With my corals being so high up on my tank almost at surface level, they will be exposed to air on my partial water change. The...
  10. M

    Check out this RED SEA Melody series pico...

    Hey reefers, I was posting some pics on RC when I came across this post. I love the style of this tank. Dragon, see if you like some of his aquascapping. Here is the link... ... did=510359 Mike
  11. M

    New addition...

    I know the pic is a little blurry but Dragon wanted to see my new addition to my 3.5 nano.... Here is the tank and then him... Mike Tank with moonlight only Nemo under 18 watts light
  12. M

    Nothing to do with Nanos...

    Check out this link I got from my co-worker.... It's work safe and requires speakers.... Mike
  13. M

    Captive Purity Refractometer with Light

    Hey Reefers... I just placed my order today on this refractometer. I'm getting serious with my water parameters for my migration to SPS. So I need to have the best in salinity testing, the deep six hydrometer isn't cutting it. I ordered from Marine Depot, they were nice and answered...
  14. M

    Quick Poll takes 10 seconds to answer...

    Moonlights: 24/7 vs Timer ??????? Please answer, since my R-2 Moon light arrives tommorrow, and I have two 3/4 coralife moonlights on my 3.5 tru vu I'd like to know. I need to know if you guys leave them on 24/7 or if they come on limited time via timer ???? thanks, Mike
  15. M

    From LPS to SPS....

    I'm taking the plunge to cross over to SPS. After giving it a lot of thought and talking to my LFS I decided. Monitpora the dark green and the light blue ones caught my eye. My tank being that it's really small will be able to cater to a really full reef. As you can place them so close...
  16. M

    Star polyps not opening...

    Hey guys, I lost my xenias and I have removed them completely from the tank, as to avoid more ammonia. But I have noticed that my star polyps have not opened up since all this started. It's been 3 days, can anyone shed some light, are these going to die too? Frogspawn doing good, plate...
  17. M

    Will they make it or die???

    Hey reefers, As most of you know my tank is in a mini cycle with levels of ammonia and nitrite. I have brought them down considerable since my first post on Ammonia being 1.25 mg/L and my nitrite at .25 ppm. My fish are eating and not breathing heavy at all, since I added the Bio-spira...
  18. M

    12 gallon Nano Cube Refugium w/light...

    Hey Reefers, As most of you know, my replacement tank came in. I've decided to go refugium in the back like my brother did. Because I'm re-doing the tank, I will be documenting all my progress on film for you guys to ask questions and give me advice. Here are the first set of...
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    Help Please!!!!

    Hey Reefers, I need your help. Okay, let me start. I don't know if you guys know, but my replacement tank came in. So I transeferred all my items from tank 1 to tank 2. But I made a modification to my new tank. I purchased a stronger pump just like Dragons, Mini Jet 606 MN 159 gph. I...
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    Melody Pico Pics....

    Dragon has picture of his pico, and he hasn't uploaded them off his camera. He just got back from Vegas, so we should no longer be in anticipation. I've posted mine under 2.5 and under. I believe his pico is smaller and he has more power in lighting. Mike