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  1. M

    Intergrated Chiller Assist...

    Hey Reefers, I've been dormant almost all winter and now it's summer and I finally got my ICA units from Chris and I'm ready to share pics and installation on my MikeGuerrero series tank. I purchased two sets of ICA units since I own two 12 gallon cubes both of which are upgraded, first...
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    We have a new Celebrity...

    I cannot believe it but it's true, the guy that lip sang that song, made it to ABC mornings America... Phishcy had given us the site, and we had many laughs, now he's big... Here is the link, you need comcast subscription to see it... ...
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    "Current Environmental Issues"

    5-5-05 (Thur) Good evening class, I wanted to thank the Moderator Brian, aka DJconn for allowing us to use his site as a precusor to complete one of your requirements. Brian is an Environmental Scientist and comes to use with a wealth of ideas and information regarding the environment. I...
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    Environmental Instructor...

    Hi Reefers, Last week I officially became an instructor at our junior college. I teach environmental science to 21 students twice a week. It's part time but it's great!!! Last thursday was my first day, I opened up with a pop quiz which was a simple ice breaker and everyone got a 100%...
  5. M

    Updated Pico pics...

    Hey reefers, I decided to move my pico to the dinning area and I took some new pics... Enjoy... Mike
  6. M

    Zuma needs help !!!

    Okay experts, I need help. About two weeks ago I visited my LFS and see he has litterly hundreds of Yumas. Now, I've never owned a yuma only ricordias and they have done awesome in my tank. Okay, I decide to purchase two gorgeous Yumas, one is light green all over and the other is...
  7. M

    SPS tank, LPS tank, Pico Tank...

    Hey Reefers, Three tanks, three pics, enjoy... It's my evolution of mini reefs, I started with the SPS corals in January 05, most critics said they would die including the crocea clam, NONE HAVE DIED. :D In fact the crocea has been in my tank since October 04. 8) In my LPS tank that...
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    Oh my god !!! Check this out !!!

    Reefers, This is going to make your jaw DROP, and then you are going to laugh hard. Enjoy, Mike ... sc&start=0
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    R.I.P Memorial Thread

    Hey Reefers, On a sader note, Conan passed away yesterday. He was my yellow gumdrop aka citron goby and clown goby. He was our little pet for 6 months. He was the master of my Larnie edition untill I added a RBTA and my little ocellaris. He ate that day and was fine, the next day I...
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    Larnie Edition w/ 2 clowns hosting rose...

    Hey Reefers, I finally got my larnie edtion the way I wanted, lost of colors and a rose anenome for my two little clowns. The larger one came from my other tank MikeGuerrero series tank in the living room. She is larger and presumably female, dropped her in the other tank with the smaller...
  11. M

    Mike's new Pico....

    Hey Reefers, I've started a documentary on my pico just like I did for my 12 gallon DX cube. I'm going to be running this tank in my office at work. I just couldn't resist when I finally found a pico tank that fits my Coralife hood. The aquarium is glass and I believe it's smaller than...
  12. M

    92 watt Larnie Edition...

    I thought I'd share two more pics. I purchased some red macro algae that my LFS fragged for me. Also got two sets of button polyps, one is pink variety and the other is orange skirt. Enjoy... Mike
  13. M

    Updated MikeGuerrero + Larnie Edition pics... 3-9-05

    Hey Reefers, I'm excited to share with you updated pics of my SPS tank. They are 3 months in the making and I'm still going strong. I have had no deaths so far, other than some STN on my largest Acro, which I believe came in not that healthy. Here also is my debut on my Larnie Edition...
  14. M

    Lurking in Nano-Reef find NanoTank comment....

    Hey guys, gals, I was on nano-reef and found a thread on an opinion of our site, thought I would share for you guys to interact or just be informed. Mike Here it is, follow what Garf says: ... adid=52161
  15. M

    One month SPS tank JBJ 12 Cube...

    Hey reefers, It's been a litte over one month and my SPS corals are doing great. In fact, they are showing their tiny polyps. My crocea clam has been in my tank over 6 months and still has it's vibrant blue colors. In fact, I added a new edition to the family of SPS, it's the orange...
  16. M

    Live Video JBJ 12 Cube...

    Hey guys check this video of my tank. Chris was nice enough to host it for me on his site... Enjoy, Mike ... rrero1.avi
  17. M

    Chiller ???

    Any recommendations on a chiller that would work on 12 gallon cube? JBJ is in the process of releasing one but they are staying quiet. It is suppose to role out before summer. I'm looking at the chiller by Aqua medic 150 watts of power. It's rated for up to a 20 gallon tank. Can someone...
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    Help !!! Too many Nassarius snail eggs !!!

    Can someone tell me how to stop these critters from laying eggs every day all over my tank??? I scrape them off the glass everyday, and none of my fish eat them since they feel very crunchy to my finger. The only eggs I leave alone are the ones in the back underneathe the rocks. But all...
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    6 gallon CPR cube complete disaster !!!!

    Okay guys and gals, Check this out. My LFS calls me and tells me my tank is ready for pickup. So I go there after work Friday excited and see the tank, it looks sweet and then my LFS says check the light cause I only saw one 27 watt light and didn't see the 9 watt actinic. Man I was like...
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    RC closed my thread !!!!

    Hey reefers, Last night on RC, I posted casually my pics of my venture into the SPS world in a cube. And within minutes started getting some positive feed back and then without warning, one of there members, Newmoon attacked me hard about my inconsideration towards my clam. He told me it...