Search results

  1. M

    RO/DI and UV System...

    Hi Reefers, My wife has given the green light to have a RO/DI system installed in our condo. Installed we are looking at $483 dollars. He is my wifes ex-box that is the owner of a water store that she worked at. The brand I'm getting is amtral tank and I ordered the tank that can hold...
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    Evil Crab...

    I think I have an evil crab, I say evil because for the last couple days just before I go to bed, I walk over to my tank and notice a small frag of mushrooms tipped over. I quickly blame one of the snails and reach into my tank and reset the frag right side up again. The very next night the...
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    Wattage per gallon rule???

    Incysor, In another post I read that you disagree with the wattage rule that reefers give; wattage x gallons = success. I have the 72 gallon bowfront with only 300 watts of HQI 20,000K bulbs. My corals so far seem okay, and I've been tempted to purchase a DIY extra 150 HQI for the center...
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    CO2 containers help???

    Does anyone know where I may purchase the smallest CO2 container online? I have searched and the best I get is the 5lbs alluminum container. I tried sportingood stores and I brought home what I thought would work, two 20 oz CO2 bottles that are used for paintball. But when I got home my...
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    Bubble liquid....

    Anyone ever use the bubble liquid for use inside the bubble counter of a regulator? I own the Milwaukee 957 regulator and it says to use fresh water but I'm seeing on a lot of websites about the use of this bubble liquid, can anyone shed me some light in this direction? Here is the link...
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    Reef owner loses all from Katrina...

    I was touched by this small thread... Take a look at what he says... Wish him well guys and gals, we as a smaller site can encourage him... Mike ... ost5677389
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    26 gallon bowfront (Potential)

    Hey Reefers, In an attempt to draw my little brother into selling his 6 gallon and getting a bowfront tank, I'm borrowing from a thread that has some really cool pics... He already has a good mechanical filter for this tank, just needs a sump which can be down rather cheap and at least a...
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    Cool Nano Videos...

    I found this link to be very interesting... Nice the way he incorporates music in his video, like an awesome documentary... Mike ... post586232
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    Premium Lve Rock Online....

    I need a recommendation. I'm setting up a 72 gallon reef ready bowfront and I want to buy live rock online, at least 90 lbs... Where is the best place to order it from online, to bring the savings to the reefer? At $6.99 per lbs at my LFS seems a little steep for me... I also love...
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    Deep Sand Bed...

    Is it okay to have 2 inch sand bed in a 72 gallon bowfront? I've placed the old sand from my two old 12 gallon cubes; about 35 lbs. Then I purchased two new bags of live sand 40 lbs... Well, the sand bed looks very thin about 1' and a quarter. I like the deep look myself, but I don't know...
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    72 Oceanic Reef Ready Bow Front Evolution...

    Hey reefers, I've decided to start a diary of my bow front and share with you all, it's evolution, enjoy..... It arrived Monday August 15th 2005....
  12. M

    Digital Aquatics Reef keeper (Brand New)...

    I'm selling a brand new reef keeper by digital aquatics for $185 you pay for shipping via federal express, ground is very cheap... Here is the link: And here it is brand new out of the shipping box: If interested email me at...
  13. M

    72 gallon bowfront reef ready...

    Hey reefers, I'm buildling my new reef and I'd like to borrow some advice from the pros... How much live rock should I put in the tank? How much live sand would you do? Where online is the best place to order from since I'm not in a rush with these items? How about a good protein...
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    Attention all cube owners !!!

    Awesome deal in flea market click on the link.... Mike Guerrero
  15. M

    Mikeguerrero + Larnie for sale !!!

    Hey reefers, The time has finally come to retire both my 12 gallon nano cubes in the attempt to upgrade to a larger reef tank for my home... I have made several modifications to both tanks: Mike Guerrero edition: 109 watts total power; 96 under the main display and a 13 watt fuge...
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    Updated LPS tank...

    Hey reefers, Here is an updated pic of my LPS tank that's in my bedroom. It's been going since March 05... Hope you guys gals enjoy... Mike
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    Updated pics... SPS tank

    Hey reefers, Just wanted to give you an update on my SPS tank and my crocea clam. Back in January 05, I decided to push the envelope on what all reefers said would be a certain doom; SPS corals under PC lighting and in a 12 gallon cube... Well, here I am 7 months later with all my SPS...
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    Sandsifting star....

    Okay, So there is all this hype on how to keep you sand bed nice and white. I get all this slack from Dragon that my sand bed is in real need of a cleaning, red slime algae all over. So I start to look into the sandsifting star since my brother has one in his 6 gallon cube and says they...
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    Hey Reefers, I have a quick question. My LFS has two different types of Blastomussa corals for sale. They are priced at $90.00 bucks per colony. One has more heads than the other like 6 heads and is colored bright orange with a smudge of green in the outer lips. The other one is...
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    12 Gallon cube + I.C.A = COOLER CUBE

    Hey Reefers, Most of you guys know me, I'm the owner of the Mike Guerrero and Larnie edition tanks. I have been patiently waiting since January 05 to get my paws on two integrated chiller assist units for my tanks. I can say without a doubt Chris has given us another great product. I...