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  1. M

    Marine Depot rises to occasion...

    I just got off the phone with Marine Depot and learned that the only ozone safe check valve is made by Azoo and they carry it, here is the link: ... uct=AZ0031 Check valves from Hagen and Tetra are not, I repeat are not ozone safe and will place your...
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    Beware Aquadirect looking really bad !!!

    Aquadirect ??? Anyone purchase anything from this online LFS??? I ordered an airdryer from RedSea on 2-6-06 and it hasn't arrived. I'm in California and they are based in WA, I placed several other orders for my Ozone setup from Fl and all that stuff has arrived. I call them and I get a...
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    AZ-N03 does this really work?

    I find this product really hard to believe, it will drive your nitrates down to zero in just 30 days.... Has anyone ever used this product? What are it's cons? thanks, Mike G
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    Glass Thickness ??? Help ???

    Hey Reefer friends, Can anyone help me find out the glass thickness to my 72 gallon ReefReady bowfront by Oceanic Systems??? I'm trying to find out which Magnetic holder to purchase from Marine Depot; they list two, one as the 12 mm or 19 mm. They will hold up my Tunze 6000 pump. Here...
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    Powder Blue meets his cousins...

    Yes that's right, I took the plunge today and gave in when my LFS told me complete your tank with 6 different species of Tangs... I now have the Tomini Tang, Cheveron Tang, Kole Tang, Blue Tang, Yellow Tang, and Mr Powder Blue Tang. He's my favorite, as he appears to be the most graceful...
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    Help, Fuge light growing bad algae in my return lines !!!

    I placed the 75 watt 2700 K bulb and it's made my macros really take off and stabalize my PH to a steady 8.0-8.1 in the night. However since adding it to my fuge it's making my water lines grow brown algae inside. These lines are pretty much connected so tight that I would have to cut them...
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    Read me!!! Important!!! Read me!!!

    Reefers, Click on this link and tell me what you guys and gals think? Mike G ... ance+coral
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    Blue Carpet Anemone...

    Hey Reefers, I finally did it, I purchased a baby size blue carpet anenome from one of my LFS. I spent $140 dollars on this gorgeous specimen. He told me that my two black ocelleris will host it; I'm so excited. If they don't he will give me back my money, no questions asked. I pick...
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    What size Refuge light for a 20 gallon sump?

    I'm currently running the mini coralife 18 watt fixture; they are two bulbs in there at 10,000K. It's centered over a small patch of cheato that I purchased 3 months ago. The light is sitting on top of a 20 gallon tall sump. The cheato rest exactly 10.5 inches away from the light, since the...
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    72 gallon reef experiences first major loss...

    Hi Reefers, I'm really in shock after comming home last night with a new edition to add to my reef; I purchased a blue coral banded shrimp on the advice of one of my reputable LFS. As I am acclimating him to the tank I notice that my largest SPS coral on one entire branch is completey...
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    20,000 Leagues under the Sea....

    Well, Maybe not 20,000 leagues under the sea, how about a 72 gallon reef tank and it's not Captain Nemo driving the sub but instead Mike Guerrero. Enjoy the pics, I had fun playing with the new mini sub my brothers girlfriend gave me during my x-mas break. The green tentacle looking...
  12. M

    Dragon photographs 72 gallon Oceanic...

    Here are some shots he took of my tank using his Nikon... Mike G
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    Dragon's RedSea is Ressurected...

    Hey Reefers, I finally decided to start up Dragon's old RedSea pico. He gave it to me while I was visiting during thanksgiving break. I have about 4 lbs of live sand and 3.5 lbs of live rock. The filtration is a simple HOB filter that is really quiet, the Whisper 10. Then I'm running...
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    King Kong and Tears...

    So my wife gets a call at work, "babe, we have tickets to see king kong tonight at 8pm". She was like, do we have to go tonight, I said yep I've been talking about king kong all month and don't want to fight the crowds on friday and theres nothing like seeing a movie on opening night...
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    Lets share Christmas pics...

    Hey reefers, Just thought I'd start a x-mas thread and share a couple of pics of my wife, Paris and I. Happy holidays... The Guerrero's
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    Meet Nemo and his friends !!!

    Hey Reefers, Click on this link and check out four quick videos I made with Dragon's Nemos... Mike G ... &start=195
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    2 nanocubes + 1 pico + 20 gallon holding tank = ???

    Here are my two cubes and my pico... The next pic was my 20 gallon holding tank before I placed all my corals and critters into my 72 gallon bowfront... My last pic is of course my 72 gallon oceanic bowfront... When you add up the equation you get the solution. Mike G
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    Fragging a Monti Cap...

    Hey Reefers, In an attempt to save my orange monti cap I decided to frag off the good pieces and reglue them with BSI super glue. Here are the steps I took; what do you guys think? Mike Damaged Monti front side... Monti from the backside... First inscision... Bad...
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    Help me !!! I have flake eating piranhas !!!

    Help Reefers, Like the title says, I did an impulse purchase at my LFS. Don't you guys hate it when you go for one particular fish and it's not there and they tell you come back on Tuesday for the next shipment. Then you walk around the shop and you see nothing you really want but don't...
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    Half Of The Coral Reefs Could Be destroyed...

    I saw this online and I found it very alarming and wish to share it with all you reefers.... Mike G. ... estruction