Search results

  1. M

    Micro-Reefs Special...

    In summer of 2004, I entered an award winning 1.6 gallon pico, that took first prize! My pico was photographed and featured in a European Salt Water Magazine! B) My heart has always been small hence our company name! :) So to kick off my 8 year anniversary of entering that contest, I...
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    Micro-Reefs LLC

    Hi all, We finally got the permits to operate in the City of Hayward and picked up our re-seller's permit. I can finally offer quality products to all my reefing community at great deals! This is our thread following the build of our company display tank at Micro-Reefs LLC we specialize...
  3. M

    Another Graduation...

    Hi Reefers, Just wanted to celebrate another graduation for my wife she received her AA degree in accounting and is transfering to Cal State... Good job girl... MG
  4. M

    PADI, SDI and SSI scuba certifications?

    Hello to all, After about 4 years of maintaing reef tanks, I'm taking the plunge to take up Scuba classes and becomming certified. So far I'm hearing that all the certs are basically the same. I live in the East Bay of the Bay Area and Captain Aqua's is just around the corner. Can anyone...
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    Max-Jet 1200

    One of my powerheads started making a grinding noise, is it time to replace the impeller? I've had them going for about 1 year without any problems; they are all plugged onto a Reefkeeper 2 which has soft start. Any feedback would be great; I don't want to tear into the tank to pul it out...
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    When is it time to replace a DE MH bulb?

    How do you know it's time to replace a DE MH bulb; I have two 150 watt 20K bulbs and have had them for over 1 year. They still fire up and my corals appear okay, does anyone have any feedback? Thanks
  7. M

    72 gallon Oceanic Reef Ready only $100...

    Attention all reefers, The day has come to sell my 72 gallon Oceanic reef ready bowfront. I'm selling just the glass tank with mega flow kit; $100 dollars... The tank is in excellent condition as I have taken great care of it... MG
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    Greetings from Dragon and Mike...

    Here we are with our grandma at Dragons' place.... MG
  9. M

    Huntington Beach area...

    Just wanted to share with you a couple of pics I took of my wife while visiting Jesses place; his complex is very pretty and feels like Hawaii... MG
  10. M

    SMS 122 Milwaukee PH controller w/probe only $50 bucks...

    Hi Reefers, I'm selling my PH controller as I don't need it any more, my ReefKeeper 2 has this feature built in... I have the original box and the shipping cap for the probe to arrive safely... Buyer pays shipping should be very cheap as it's very light... Let me know... It works...
  11. M

    Upgraded 6 gallon JBJ complete sytem for sale!!!

    Reefers, I finally convinced my younger brother to sell his award winning 6 gallon JBJ reef. I've been wanting him to build a 20 gallon tank but I was never able to peel him off this awesome tank. You get an upgraded 54 watts of PC lighting true actinics and 10,000k 50/50 bulbs (They are...
  12. M

    6 gallon TruVu complete reef system for sale!!!

    Reefers, Yes it's true I'm placing this complete system for sale: Six gallon acrylic tank with 200gph return pump. Berlin 60 airlift protein skimmer. Coralife luft pump. Black matching acrylic hood. Black matching acrylic base. 6 inch locline return nozzle. DIY matching...
  13. M

    How do I vacate a baby mantis shrimp?

    Just today I saw my neon blue goby fighting with what appeared to be my black stripped goby but as I looked closer I saw that it was a baby sized mantis shrimp that rushed into a small hole in the live rock. About 10 seconds later it reappeared jostled with my goby again then hid in the rock...
  14. M

    $30 bucks = Pico glass tank + Coralife mini-light + filter

    You get the glass curved tank, aquaclear mini filter, and the 18 watt fixture; 9 watt of 10,000k and 9 watt of actinic. The fixture is very new only one month of usage as I purchased it for my sump that I tore down. I'll also throw in two daylight bulbs that are 6,500k in case you want to...
  15. M

    Aiptasia need help!!!

    I know there have been numerous postings on fighting this pest. I've never had this guy in my reef, well up until I finally admitted to myself that what is on my rocks has to be aiptasia. I never thought aiptasia could be light green almost like a button polyp. Also, they don't have long...
  16. M

    Mag Drive Pumps???

    I own three Mag Drive pumps: 1200 MD with 110 watts of heat. 300 MD with 34 watts of heat. 200 MD with 24 watts of heat. I've been running these three pumps submerged for almost one year in the sump of my 72 gallon reef with no problems. However, I've noticed that they do transfer...
  17. M

    Glass scratch repair...

    Hey Reefers, I have a quick question for all of you. I recently acquired a very small scratch on my bow front; it's on the main display side. It's very small but still very noticeable. I accidently scratched it during my move. I have googled some products to try to repair this small...
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    Steve Irwin (Crocodile Huneter) dies at age 44...

    It's a sad day for a lot us that have grown up watching this naturalist. I myself loved the documentaries and he educated me on many wild animals. I wanted to set up an awareness of the power behind the bat ray and his natural environment. Some of us do a lot of snorkaling in Hawaii and...
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    Finally moved in....

    Here are some pictures of our new home. I finally got settled in.
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    Mike Guerrero is moving...

    Hey Reefers, Yeah the title says it all. My wife and I are placing our Condo on the market and moving... We out grew our 2 bedroom unit and are looking at this really nice 4 bedroom townhouse... For those of you that are near the SF bay area, spread out the news, nice cozy 2 bedroom...