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    RO/DI question

    im looking into buying a unit, just wondering what everyone is using and recommend. if anybody has complaints on there units, i would be greatfull to know. thanks for any replies
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    ric question

    where should i have my ric placed in my tank? its in my ten with 96watts of PC....any suggestions will help right now i have it on the bottom
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    epoxy q

    has anybody used PC Marine Epoxy? cant find anything on the web page that states that its aquarium safe. anybody have any ideas....thanks
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    AC refugium

    i had the day off and had a aquaclear 300 and mini laying around so i decided to get creative....seen the post on this so here is my version. enjoy. 30-45 min mod i used my mini perpeller in the 300....perfect wtaer flow
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    75 gal journal

    this is my buddies new setup.... day1
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    is this a tulip anenome? its about the size of a pencil eraser.i found it in my refugium. im keeping it in a jar so that i can observe it.i have seen it a couple times and then it vanishs for a month. im still keeping it in my refugium.
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    hacked skimmer

    heres a pic of my hacked skimmer....took about 5-6 inches off of it. still works great
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    backyard pics...

    these falls are about 1/4 mile away from my house, just off of my property. ride the trails there all the get away
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    DIY wet/dry filter refugium

    i just completed my wet/dry filter plus refugium. built it out of a 15gal all glass tank. hopefully it'll be hooked up this weekend. thats if i get the mods done to my tank. will have pics tonight.
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    brain feeding

    just wondering about feeding this guy? how should i feed him? what should i feed? got it from my buddy and it was dieing off slowly. since ive had it, it has recovered about half mybe less. sometimes it doesnt look so good and sometimes it does. honestly i didnt think it was going to make it...
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    DIY skimmer

    just wondering if anybody has built there own protein skimmer? i get board sometimes, i have to much time on my hands, and i like to build my own stuff (or at least try to). my next project is going to be a skimmer. i have done a bunch of research but really havent found anybody that has done...
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    zoo question

    has anybody had there zoos closed for more than a week? mine have been closed for ten days now. had one open today and it was all deformed and discolored. tested my water and everything came out zero, ph 8.2, salinity 1.024, havent moved it nothing.....they just decided to close and not open...
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    red macro algea

    does anybody know where i can get some of that red macro algea? im triing to find some new stuff for my refugium. my refugium is about 18 gallons and im triing to grow different algeas in a 10 gallon and then replant in the refugium. right now my refugium houses a bunch of shrimp and crabs...
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    tough decisions

    one of my toughest decisions...... dont know what to do. need your guys and gals help... i might have to move in the next month...i was thinking about down sizing for the move. theres a couple of things that im going to get rid of, and the rest will fit in my ten gallon. i was thinking about...
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    avatar help

    does anybody know how to get the avatar from personal pics....i cant seem to get any of my pics to work......
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    lighting upgrade

    i am thinking about upgrading my lighting. i am running 130watts of PC. i would like to stay with PC lighting, i dont think im ready to run MH yet. i still a rookie so i dont want to nuke my tank. any recommendations. thanks for any advice
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    anenome help

    my GBTA has in down the middle. i touched it with my feeding probe it retracted and then ballooned back up. dont know what to do is it dead? should i pull it now? is this common? help ASAP i dont want my tank to go to shit....
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    new ten gallon

    just finished setting up my old ten gallon. i stocked it with frags and some other corals from my twenty.going to up grade my lighting soon. will have pics soon after...
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    coral ID

    i bought this coral a few months ago......didnt have a name on the tank, just liked the way it looks so i bought it. does anybody know what it is? i cant find anything that comes close. im probably looking in the wrong spots... it aslo hosts my anenome shrimp.....
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    10gal questions

    just wondering what everyone that has 10gal set-ups are using... what kind of filtration? what kind of protein skimmer, if using one? what kind of lighting? how much sand and LR? im going to be setting up my ten gallon back and was just curious...