Search results

  1. D

    snowflake eel

    well i was wondering if anybody is or has kept mutiple snowflakes? if your currently keeping what are you feeding it or them? just curious, everything is going great with mine. actually thinking about getting another one. tring to get some pics tonight, hopefully. thanks
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    ten gallon

    here are some pics of my new ten reef. s*&#ty pics will have better ones in the future...... ... 4299TmKwWB ... 4299kIvgKl ... 4299xILUKj...
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    its been awhile

    well i have been missing for quite some time now. due to lack off computer and then not being able to log on. i also have moved twice, might be a third acouple months down the road. as for tanks i have gone back to my trusty old ten, but with some upgrades. upgrades as followed...
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    frag swap

    today i recieved frags from dickie and all are well. i will have pics in a couple days after all are completely open. i think this frag swap went well from the sounds of it and hopefully we all can trade in the future.
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    new pics

    updated pics......6 or so months old and two moves.
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    what do you guys and gals think?

    so i was thinking of a new DIY project and came up with this....... i am building a canopy for my lighting, thinking what i can do to the top so it didnt look so plain......then it came to me. i have an empty AZOO wave tank(like the one mike posted)that i can put on top. then i was thinking...
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    all this stuff is in great condition.....only used for a couple months except the light. coralife 24" 130 watt fixture....missing some screws, one fan doesnt work, both bulbs just replaced and end caps. was going to retro fit but decided to go with MH instead. 5watt tetra tec UV steralizer...
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    15 tall (new pics)

    well i finally got a new camera, and here some pics for you all to enjoy.
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    well here it is, finally got a pic of my new tank. 15 tall AGA 20pds of LS 35pds LR AC 110 fuge w/ 18w coralife mini fixture 96w coralife fixture bunch of zoos bunch of shrooms xenia toadstool leather GSP ?tulip anenomes from incysor, doing great....thanks again juevenile six line...
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    so i received an order of snails from, the astraea snails had some hitchhikers. both snails had another type of snail hitchhiking on its shell. these hitchhikers dont move at all, actually there shell is contoured perfect to the astraea's shell. alll they do is lift there shell...
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    yesterday i recieved my order from i ordered two sexy shrimp, 5 cerith snails, highfinned banded goby, and 2 trochus snails. packaging was great. everything made it and is doing great. i placed the order friday, went through on saturday, shipped out monday, and i got it...
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    skimmer help ... sp?CartId= ... sp?CartId= is anyone currently using or used to run one of these skimmers?if so.... how does or did it work? any problems or downfalls? liked or disliked? im looking into a new...
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    nudibranch or sea slug

    this morning when my lights came on i noticed a slug crawling up the glass. it made it to the substrate and thats when i noticed the coloring velvet purple body with a pink diamond shape on the head. at least i think its the head cause thats the way it was heading. its about an 1/8 inch long...
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    moving day

    has anyone moved there tank farther than six hours? should i do anything special for when i move?like battery powered air pump....ect. ill be moving 430 miles away from construction job. ill be living there for 4 months and then back. i was going to leave my stuff in a 75g tank...
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    plate coral or not

    not sure what these are, there are two of them. i picked them up at one of my LFS and they where not sure what they where. they where in the cheap bin...its what i call it. they have a bin in a couple tanks that has clippings and broken pieces for cheap. anybody have any idea...plate coral or...
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    coral question

    does anybody know anything about this coral, anybody keeping one ....i picked it up at my LFS,the one i have is a clipping. will have a pic tomarrow. well i think this is what i got....this is what they told me it was. they have been wrong..
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    zoo's wanted

    does anybody have any supercolor zoo's that they ar ewilling to trade or sell?....cant seem to get an answer from my LFS regarding different color zoo's, all they carry is green ones and they never have any other colors..damn them. i would rather buy from you guys and gals then give them money.
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    ich problem

    as of this morning i noticed that my yellow watchman goby has ich and i think velvet. my redheaded goby is fine but i want to treat the tank anyways, so heres my questions: what would i use to treat him? do i treat the whole tank? can corals get any of this?
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    fresh planted

    heres a pic of my 27 gal freshwater...
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    any ideas...ill try to get a better pic..