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  1. skipm

    Happy 4th of July

    I want to wish all of you a safe and happy 4th.
  2. skipm

    What Do You Want to Discuss?

    What are some of the topics you want to see discussed here?
  3. skipm

    Sandbed or No? Give me your opinions

    Kinda wanting someone to play devils advocate here. On my next nano I am trying to decide whether to go bare bottom or sandbed. I know BB is easier to clean but to me a sandbed looks better and with a few nassarious snails cleaning is not a big deal. Try to convince me one way or the other.
  4. skipm

    Memorial Day

    I want to wish everyone a safe and happy Memorial Day.
  5. skipm

    Coralife LED 32 Aquarium

    I am thinking of setting one of these up after being out of the hobby for some time. Looking for opinions, suggestions, etc. Thanks in advance, Skip
  6. skipm

    My Porcelin Crabs New Hangout

    I had a little hair algae growing on the spillway of my powerfilter and my porcelin crab decided that he liked hanging out in the flow and relaxing, I am not to sure how he even managed to get up there.
  7. skipm

    Happy Birthday Seadog

    I hope you have a very happy birthday, enjoy it to the fullest extent possible. :birthday: :group :hbd: :partyt
  8. skipm

    Auto Top-off

    Which auto top-offs are being used on a 10 gallon nano that is sumpless. I am interested in getting one that maintains the level near the top of the tank without having big fluctuations in the water level. I need to get something soon because of having to leave my nano unattended for a real...
  9. skipm


    I am curious to know if anyone else here has or plans to attend an aquarium conference. I have attended IMAC (International Marine Aquarium Conference) in Chicago in '04 and MACNA (Marine Aquarium Conference of North America) last year in DC. I have plans to attend Saltwater U2 (...
  10. skipm

    Building a tank

    Has anyone here ever tried building their own tank? I am considering building a 7.5 gallon cube (1 foot square) to make the best of a light fixture I have and wondered if anyone here has done this before and if they had what insight might be offered for this project. This isn't something that...
  11. skipm

    Any thoughts on the next chat?

    Has anyone given any thought to holding another chat? One thing that may make it more accessable to all would be to hold it on a sunday afternoon so all of the time zones won't be a factor.
  12. skipm

    Has anyone ever bought from them? If so, what was your experience like? I am in the early stages of looking for a light for a Red Sea Melody tank I bought for myself for Christmas and I am kinda interested in this light: ... D&ProdID=4 , it comes with...
  13. skipm

    Reef Goodies

    What kind of reef goodies did everyone get for Christmas? No reef goodies here except for the ones I bought myself. Skip
  14. skipm

    Merry Christmas

    I just wanted to wish all of my fellow nanotankers a very Merry Christmas. I hope all of you have a wonderful day. Skip
  15. skipm

    When is the next chat going to be?

    The title says it all, is there another chat planned for anytime in the near future or are we going to keep it on hold until after the holidays? Just curious, I enjoyed the last chat and I don't want to miss the next one if possible. Skip
  16. skipm

    Magnet Cleaner

    I just wanted to share that I got a Super Nimble magnet cleaner for my Nanocubes in todays mail and this thing rocks. It is extremely streamlined so it fits in every corner of my nanos. I was even able to remove a couple of spots of coralline (I had to make repeated passes) off of the glass...
  17. skipm

    Lighting upgrade for a NanoCube

    I have been considering upgrading my lights on my NanoCube 12 DX from the stock pair of 28 watt PCs to four 28 watt PCs. If I do this I will be buying the kit from but I would like to hear someone opinion of the upgrade that has done so themselves. Is the upgrade a...
  18. skipm

    Upgraded pump for a nanocube

    Hi all, I just tried a pump that I haven't heard of anyone using to upgrade my nanocube. I wanted more flow than I was getting from the MiniJet 606 and didn't like the flow I got when I added a second powerhead. I began toying with the idea of trying a MaxiJet when I remembered that I bought...
  19. skipm

    Float Switch Question

    So far I haven't been able to get an answer so maybe someone here can help me. I have a JBJ Nanocube 12DX and want to know where and how to mount a float switch for an auto-topoff system? Pics would be very helpful also. Thank you in advance. Skip