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  1. S

    TL550 Set-up as Freshwater? Can I do it?!

    Sure it was designed for SW but the way I see it, it's a tank that holds water and filters fish poop. I doubt the tank and filter cares whether the fish poop is marine or fresh
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    TL550 Set-up as Freshwater? Can I do it?!

    Ok, I just looked it up and I see no reason why you could not use it for FW. It has everything you need plus the UV and skimmer, which can even be used with FW. I would not use the bio-balls or rings but would add more sponge in there instead but otherwise looks like it would be just fine for FW...
  3. S

    TL550 Set-up as Freshwater? Can I do it?!

    I am not familiar with the setup but did they give you a reason why you should not use it for FW? I assume it is the same as the others and has the built in sump to house your heater and skimmer and has a filter?
  4. S

    Too much ballast?

    If this is not an option I am thinking of using the ballasts out of a screw in bulb as shown in the write up done by reefman23. I figure if I run two or three 32 watt PC's that should be plenty of light on a 10g tank to keep softies and that will keep me well within the dimensions of the tank...
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    Wife decided on the tank choice :)

    Thanks. As a substitute I think I am going to do a 10g ghetto tank. I have most of the stuff already so I think I can do it for less than $100 total not including live stock. It is pretty nerve racking to think about it. The knot won't be tied for awhile but I figure it is time to show the...
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    Too much ballast?

    I have two ARO AS-220 VHO ballasts laying around the house not getting used. They are rated to run two 55/65 watt CF bulbs each ballast. I originally bought them for a FW planted tank that never happened. So anyways, I have been planning to do a 29 gallon project and was going to ditch these...
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    Wife decided on the tank choice :)

    Very nice. I was going to start gathering all the stuff to get my 29 gallon tank started but I went out yesterday and shelled out over 4k for "The Ring" for my g/f :sad: Worth it I suppose but the tank project is definitely on hold until that sucker is paid off, not to mention the new bed that...
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    Tank ordered, hopefully here by friday

    Not sure about your particular tank but I think the most popular modifications to the cubes are a bigger/better pump and small mods to the intake area to allow for better flow. And of course not using the filter media or bio-balls that come with the setup. You will probably need to add an...
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    Thank idea this spring, 75g to 10g?

    *Any thoughts on the argument that all beneficial bacteria coming from the refugium will be killed in the return pumping process? It will not be killed. Pods and things of that nature could be, but not the bacteria. *Any thoughts on the argument that actinic light does not count for overall...
  10. S

    Found new local reef store...

    Rare find. Good job. Sounds like you are bound to succeed between being smart enough to research first, coming here to ask questions, and having a place like that to turn to for help and support....I am a little jealous to be honest.
  11. S

    Tank Question

    I think if you read some posts here and on other sites that you will find that for a serious reef setup, a lot of folks use these cubes but with a good bit of modification. Usually the mods include but are not limited to: -Lighting up grades, usually MH or T5 -Upgraded pump for water flow...
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    Unconvinced - could use an experienced opinion

    I think if you read some posts here and on other sites that you will find that for a serious reef setup, a lot of folks use these cubes but with a good bit of modification. Usually the mods include but are not limited to: -Lighting up grades, usually MH or T5 -Upgraded pump for water flow...
  13. S

    So what are your hobbies other than nano tanks?

    lol....I have the exact same hobbies plus digital photography. Not doing the VDubs anymore after my last GTi project about sent me to the poor farm. The others are still active though.
  14. S

    how does this setup look so far?

    Great start. I agree, more LR needs added somehow, but like the SW tank moto states, slow and steady wins the race. Looks like you will have a winner.
  15. S

    Jesse's 12g AP w/70 watt Sunpod

    Anyone know if these tanks are still available anywhere at the closeout price?
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    my first nano tank

    I'm sorry, I didn't read close enough and did not realize this was a built in sump. Yeah, don't put rock or sand in that like kidnano said. I was thinking a larger under tank sump.
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    my first nano tank

    You don't need fancy light for the sump. You can get a cheap shop light and a plant bulb and that is all you need for the sump. Light for the LR is not needed if you only want it for the bio-filtration.
  18. S

    my first nano tank

    In the sump many use a combination of LS and LR and Chaeto and you can also place the heater and skimmer in there so that you can keep those out of the main tank.
  19. S

    new ap 24??

    Chaeto is macroalgae, which sucks up unwanted nutrients from the water (known as "nutrient export", usually done in the refugium). This reduction of nitrates and other waste products serves to help the animals in the main tank grow and also to keep pest microalgae growth to a minimum.