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  1. S

    My 10 gallon build.

    Yeah, something to think about. I have an AC 20 and AC 70 not being used and a AC 110 on my 75 gallon FW tank. I was wanting the 70 or 110 mostly for the capacity rather than the flow. I think that I read somewhere that the motor on the 20, 50, and 70 was the same, just different impellers. I...
  2. S

    My 10 gallon build.

    First ammonia test done about 20 hours after cycle started. I will do another tonight along with a nitrite just to see. With water, no lights in the room. Still really hazy. Looks really dusty in the tank. You can see it floating all around and settling on the power head and heater. I...
  3. S

    My 10 gallon build.

    Tank has sand and H2O. Rock is in place. Shrimp in the water. Cycle underway !!!!!!! Photos to follow.
  4. S

    My 10 gallon build.

    Well, just a quick update, I got my salt, refractometer, power head, heater, and test kit today so I have my saltwater mixing and I am finishing up the stand/hood so I will be starting the cycle tomorrow. I really looked over my base rock and cleaned it and scrub it really well and there just...
  5. S

    My 10 gallon build.

    No. it was actually very easy and that is coming from someone with zero carpentry skills. I am about to start filling holes and uneven areas with putty. I will take a few more detailed photos to show how everything is put together. As far as the rock work, unfortunately I have to take it out...
  6. S

    My 10 gallon build.

    Dug my old rock out of the basement and played around with the rock scape. What do you think? Most of the pieces I have are pretty big and I am trying to not break them because I need to save them for another tank project I am hoping to start later in the summer. Don't mind the dirty glass...
  7. S

    My 10 gallon build.

    Well, after several month's of posting here and reading and researching, it is time to start actually working on my own build. I have decided to go with a 10 gallon due to space constraints as well as budget limits. I have not done much so far other that build a hood and base. I have lights...
  8. S

    Heater placement on the Aquapod or JBJ tank.

    Most place it in the chamber to keep it out of sight as well as to free up the space it would normally take up in the main tank.
  9. S

    5 Gallon Starter?

    You need to research the fish if you have not already to make sure you can have them in a small tank. As far as everything else, I would highly suggest you get a refractometer instead of a hydrometer. Also API test kits are the better kit to get. Accurate and very easy to use.
  10. S

    supply check

    For best results you should get a refractometer. They are not too much $$$ and will give you very accurate readings. Make sure you get calibrating solution as well. Also, if you have not ordered already, you really should get API testing kits. Easier to use and more accurate.
  11. S

    How much do inverts add to bio-load?

    Well, most likely I will go with a small group of porcelain crabs, maybe three, a pom pom crab and a shrimp of some sort ot maybe a couple of sexy shrimp since they group well. I would have to judge the addition of hermits by how the tank is doing. I think that is a pretty safe, non-aggressive...
  12. S

    Red Slime Algae

    What kind of bulbs did you change to? Did you get the proper bulbs?
  13. S

    How much do inverts add to bio-load?

    I am going to set up a 10g tank soon since I have to put my 29g project on hold and I am thinking of doing an invert/softie tank rather than having any fish. I was just wondering how much inverts add to the bio-load compared to fish? My invert list is not been made but will include a shrimp or...
  14. S

    5 Gallon Starter?

    Well, it is doable but the biggest thing that you will encounter is that in such a small tank mistakes will be greatly magnified. If you research and learn as much as you can about SW before even putting water in the tank you will be ahead of the game. Also go to the members tanks section and...
  15. S

    Power head recommendations???

    The hydro flo is a mechanical wave maker that attaches to the output of the power head and the flow causes the hydro to rotate so that the flow is not just a straight line but rather it constantly changes direction. They work pretty well as long as you keep them clean as they can get gunked up...
  16. S

    Davenia7's 10 gal.

    Gives me hope for my 10 gallon tank project. I was going to do a 29g but finances are tight atm so I am doing a 10 gallon because I have almost everything I need for that so there will be little out of pocket except for maintenance supplies (salt, RO water, food, ect.) I just worry that 10g is...
  17. S

    Power head recommendations???

    I think the majority of people run power heads 24/7 and do so without problems. The most important thing is to make sure you have the proper flow of water in the tank and to prevent as many dead spots as possibly. Oh, and thanks for the info Ritsuko, I did not realize that either and was...
  18. S

    Tank ordered, hopefully here by friday

    Sounds good. Collecting all the goods is almost as much fun as setting up and keeping the tank.....until the credit card statements start coming
  19. S

    Too much ballast?

    Yeah, I actually just talked one using the chat feature on their site and they say no go on the AS-220. I am either going with the DIY like above or DFS has the 96 watt Sunpaq quad light on sale so that might be my best option. Its the retro kit but only $75 with bulb.
  20. S

    Tank ordered, hopefully here by friday

    The maxijet 1200 seems to be the more popular upgrade to the pump as it is less wattage and more flow than the stock pump.