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  1. S

    New 6G Nano Tank (first time)

    Have you considered just putting something together? Get yourself a simple 10g tank, HOG filter modded in to a fuge, power head, heater, and a nice PC light setup and you are ready to rock and roll.
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    New 6G Nano Tank (first time)

    The second picture down from the top it looks like compartments but then after I looked again at the last 2 pictures I can see that they are not. Yeah, after a closer look I agree with Jesse. I was under the impression that this was a small AIO tank but instead it is an Eclipse style tank...
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    New 6G Nano Tank (first time)

    First is will the filter it came with be fine to run? or should i adjust/modify it... if so how? Not sure as I don't know much about the AIO (All In One) setups but I will tell you that you don't want to use the sponge or the tubes that came with it. Reason being is that they have a nasty habit...
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    Jbozz (Newbie) new nanotank

    I love those tanks. Wish we could get them over here.
  5. S

    "12 gallon" Nano cube holds 7 gallons?

    I think I did a heck of a job answering the questions in one of your threads. You are the one that failed to reply to that with a thanks or at least an acknowledgment that you read them and understood. As far as your testing, you only need...
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    What's the deal with the "Cube" shape?

    I don't know about the air interface but I guess it would increase your veiwing area and also increase the pain in the butt it would be to do tank maintainence at the bottom of your tank. I am a fan of shallower tanks myself. 75g over the 90, 40 breeder over a standard 40, ect....I like more...
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    Opinions on the 20g M-tank

    Any extra water you can add to the column is going to help. Even adding a simple HOB filter like the Aqua Clear 110 will add almost a gallon extra and will help, even if only slightly. In this game any extra help you can get is great. I don't really know much about the all in one setups so I...
  8. S

    First saltwater tank and I'm scared!

    1. If it is the stuff packed in water then add all of it to your tank, no need to rinse. As long as you have about an inch you are good to go. 2. No harm in keeping the lights on. Especially if there are critters on the rock. As far as water changes, generally not advised during the cycle...
  9. S

    My 10 gallon build.

    Sorry for lack of updates. Tank finally cycled a week ago. Big diatom bloom but it is being taken care of by the four snails that I added to the tank. I am ordering a frag of zoas and a duncan next week to get some color in there. After that I am waiting a bit then I will be adding some more...
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    my tank gets hotter each night---even though house does not

    You can get a small clip on fan to blow air across the surface of the water. That will cool it some to but watch because it will increase evaporation.
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    my tank gets hotter each night---even though house does not

    They are probably not doing well because they are living in a tank that is cycling which is a HUGE no no. Don't be surprised when they die and it isn't because of the warm water. As far as the heat, take the heater out of the tank and see what happens. It is possible the heater is bad. What...
  12. S

    Jesse's 12g AP w/70 watt Sunpod

    Very nice. I really like the tie-dyed one above it too.
  13. S

    stefani water purifier... suitable for topping up a tank?

    RO/DI is pure water. Basically there is nothing in it which is why it is the best for SW use. The salt mix you use to made your SW adds back the stuff that your tank, corals, and fish need.
  14. S

    My 10 gallon build.

    Today's numbers make me happy: Ammonia - 8 ppm Nitrites - 2 ppm Nitrates - 15 ppm pH - 8.0 Sal. - 1.025 Hopefully diatoms start showing their ugly face soon :D
  15. S

    new to this, just a quick topping up question

    You can often times buy RO/DI water from your LFS or the grocery story sometimes will have dispensers that you can fill your own bottle. Best thing is the buy a filter so you can make your own. You can also use distilled water if RO/DI is not available. The worst thing about using tap is usually...
  16. S

    new to this, just a quick topping up question

    I guess if your tap water is good quality and you choose to use it then you have two options. If your water has chlorine you can use a condition and mix that with the water and add as you describe or you can have the water in a bucket and add an airstone and let the chlorine gas out over night...
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    new to this, just a quick topping up question

    Well, first of all you should not be using tap water. Tap water contains many impurities and minerals and nutrients and heavy metals that are bad for the tank. They lead to algae and is not good for corals if you choose the keep them. Some folks say that they use tap water with no problems but...
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    Why are the T5 65ook light ok to use? I thought that 6500 and 6700 were plant and FW bulbs?
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    Get rid of the wheel and do not use 65k bulbs. They are for plants and will do wonders for algae but nothing for corals. You need 10K or higher.
  20. S

    My 10 gallon build.

    Also, I threw a couple more pieces of rock in the tank to build up the hardscape. Here is the up dated pictures.