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  1. S

    5 Gallon Bow — Freshwater Conversion

    Yeah, being semi-open top I have no problems with heat. Of course I am only using 96 watts of PC lighting at the moment so they don't get that hot to start with. The camera I am using is a Nikon D200 and the lens is a Tamron 90mm SP Di Macro. However I think that picture might have been taken...
  2. S

    5 Gallon Bow — Freshwater Conversion

    Since it is a screw in bulb you will have to mod it but I would not think it would be too hard. The AC50 would run without the sponge or rings. I would also skip the rubble as it is bad for collecting gunk that can mess up you water if you don't clean it out weekly. Best thing would be to...
  3. S

    5 Gallon Bow — Freshwater Conversion

    You will probably have to change out the light to something more. I would also take out the in tank filter and throw on something like an AquaClear 50. You may also need an additional power head but the AC50 might provide enough flow. With the AC50 you can also move the heater out of the tank...
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    Photobucket is free and easy. They even give you the link that you just copy and then paste it in to the text of the message you want your picture to appear in and when you submit it your picture will appear.
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    How did you try to post them?
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    Well, there is a little more than just sand and rock. You need testing kits, and refractometer or hydrometer (refractometer much better choice), probably another power head because all in ones are notorious for having a lack of flow stock. Also make sure the lights are going to work for what you...
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    can you use this type of light?

    6500k will also cause algae to grow like crazy. That is a great rating for a FW planted tank or fuge but not for a SW tank.
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    Probably a good choice. Read up on the all in ones. Often times they need a little modification to work at their best. You will still need a couple other goodies but looks like you are well on your way.
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    Lots of options but for a basic set up I would go with an AC 110 HOB filter modded in to a fuge, a couple power heads (Koralia 1's would be good) and some T5 lighting. A lot of that also depends on your budget.
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    Pro's and Con's of different aquariums

    I don't much about the all in ones because I don't like them so much but I would say that bigger is better so I would go with one of the 24's or the 29. Especially the 24 with the MH lighting. You should be able to keep about anything under those.
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    24g d+d mods

    API makes a good and very easy to use testing kit also.
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    help with an aqua medic Nano Wave 9

    Not sure the dimensions of your tank but if you are not wanting to use MH then PC are about your only option. Depending on the length of the tank you might be able to squeeze some T5 over it but I doubt it. I would just increase the PC lights, probably double what you currently have. I run 96...
  13. S

    live rock placement - stack it high or spread it out

    Do both. Fill the tank but leave enough room for future corals as most come attached to plugs or small pieces of LR rubble. If I had to pick one or the other, I would go medium. Kinda spread out and kind high. I am probably not helping huh? lol
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    Isn't like 100 pounds of LR is needed to produce enough pods to support one dragonette? Some have done it in a nano but it takes a lot of work and money to do so.
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    Snail picture

    I missed the deadline so I could not participate in this months contest so I thought I would post what would have been my entry just because I think it is a cool shoot. Not the best in quality, but the content is pretty cool...
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    5 Gallon Starter?

    Ok, I see. I think that those do allow water to enter from the bottom as well in case the water level of the tank drops below the top of the skimmer intake. I have no issues in my 10g by just using the output of the AC70. Keeps the surface moving nicely and no scum. Again, I don't use a...
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    5 Gallon Starter?

    The 20 should be enough or you could bump up to the AC30. If this will be the only source of water movement in the tank I would go for the AC30. As far as the heater, see if you can find one that is small enough to fit inside the filter that way it is out of the main tank and you don't have to...
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    Newbie Question

    Are the night lights just blue? A lot of folks do a light cycle something like this...Blue lights on for 2 hours, day time lights on with the blue lights for 8 hours, then turn off the day lights and leave the blue ones on for an additional 2 hours. Kinda simulates dawn, daytime, and dusk. As...
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    So what are your hobbies other than nano tanks?

    I used to WoW but not much any more. I am actually thinking about canceling my account for a awhile until the bug hits me again.
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    June Contest - enter your best clean up crew photo

    I'm in. Come on guys and gals, I need some competition this month.