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  1. S

    My 10 gallon build.

    A couple more shots I took today of the new corals and Duncan babies.
  2. S

    Ages? Occupation? Pics?

    I usually post in these but somehow missed this one. So here I am and here is my little monkey, Zander. He just turned two and is a real handful, but in a fun way, most of the time anyways :D Oh, and I am 32 and a Sheriff's Deputy.
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    My 10 gallon build.

    Yeah, actually it does. I have to give it a good cleaning on water change day. It also shows all the little tiny LR crumbs that fall off on to the sand. I am going to set up a new tank soon and will be transferring the current ten gallon stuff over to a custom made 26g tank I have sitting in the...
  4. S

    Started a vivarium...another addiction.

    Yeah, the vivarium was not cheap but not as much as setting up a SW tank. But then again, it would have been if I had to buy the tank. I am setting up a 75g tank but I had that on hand already so that saved my $150+. I think that I am in about $300 on the viv so far with no frogs. I think that I...
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    Started a vivarium...another addiction.

    Thanks. Your a member there? What name do you go by? ***nevermind...I found you on there, same name. Just never noticed or at least never connected the two places together. At least now I can look for ya over there. ***
  6. S

    Started a vivarium...another addiction.

    So I am in the process of setting up a vivarium to keep poison dart frogs. I don't know why I do this to myself but so far it seems like it is going to be a really cool hobby to spend what is left of my money on. Here are a couple pictures of the viv so far, no frogs, still in the setup/growout...
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    Newbie newbie new...

    2 gallon tank, cool. You could do 50% water changes weekly and even add some Chemi-Pure to the filter and that would probably go a long ways in helping your algae problem. Can't wait to see some pics though. I have thrown around the idea of doing a pico but I don't do well enough keeping up with...
  8. S

    Flat worms?

    Look like these? I have them in my tank. These are actually pictures of the ones in my tank. I only see them on the glass and they don't seem to be hurting anything other than being unsightly. The brown ones are said to possibly harm some corals though.
  9. S

    Low Light corals with a 14w bulb??

    14 watts unless it is a very small tank is not going to be enough to keep much. Your shrooms will even suffer I think. They may survive but I don't think you will see much growth. I have a 10g tank with 96 watts of lighting and I can tell you that I need to upgrade from that. My new tank will...
  10. S

    My 10 gallon build.

    Thanks for the comment and thanks for letting me stick around a little longer :mrgreen:
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    JBJ Nanocube DX

    Just a little FYI on salt, here are some results of a salt test done by a reefer over at Reef Central. Not scientific but still something to go by. Ok, posting the chart did not work so here is the link... ... id=1287118
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    JBJ Nanocube DX

    Looks great. I am using SeaChem in my tank but I am switching to Oceanic. It has great numbers as well plus it is available locally and SeaChem is not. I hate to have to order a huge bucket of salt through the mail with shipping charges the way they are now :neutral: When I set my tank up I...
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    HelifaxNZ's 7G Nano

    Should not cycle if you add dry sand. As far as cyno that is usually caused by lack of flow in an area so if you don't have any now adding sand should not cause you to have any. I am usually not a fan of bare bottom tanks but for some reason yours actually looks good without sand.
  14. S

    My 10 gallon build.

    lol...yeah, I do need to update and I would hate to be hit with the ban stick. So anyways, since it has been...sheesh...a long time since I have posted here not much has is over, diatoms are gone, added a few Margarita snails, some zoas, a Duncan that start with one and...
  15. S

    24 gallon aquapod....low pump performance?

    Yeah, most AIO setups need a little modding and up grading to get the best performance. That usually includes a new pump, and additional powerhead, and upgraded lighting.
  16. S

    Nano "TANK" suggestions.

    Thanks Tim. I agree, I am not an all in one fan. Nothing really wrong with them, I have seen some VERY nice ones. But for my money I would rather build mine exactly the way I want it.
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    Considering a picotope

    Keep in mind that the smaller the tank the more difficult it actually can be. Reason being is that small mistakes are greatly magnified and you really have to stay on top of maintenance and tops offs. Not trying to discourage you at all, just don't want you to be under the misconception that a...
  18. S

    24 gallon aquapod....low pump performance?

    I think that a lot of the all in ones are pretty infamous for having not so good pumps and is usually one of the first upgrades. You should be able to find a Maxi-Jet that will fit in the chamber nicely and give you much better flow.
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    Nanotank's newest moderator!

    Grats. I always see that Tim gives great advise here. Good addition.
  20. S

    new tank...

    On if there is some stuff in the tank that need light to live such as corals. If there is not, then you can leave them off if you want.