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  1. I

    Hurricane Rita

    We're gonna decide tomorrow afternoon whether we need to take off or not. There's still stuff that needs to be done around the house like taping the windows and stuff. Since we live in one of the highest points in the city I'm only really worried about the wind blowing stuff into the house...
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    Hurricane Rita

    Good luck Jennie. I'm heading out of the office now, to get to work on finishing up getting ready for the storm. I'll log back in later this evening. B
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    Mini Magnetic Glass Cleaner...Pico Style

    Just sent you a PM Master. B
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    rapid resp .

    Glad to hear he's doing a bit better. Are you running carbon in the filters? If not it would probably be a good idea. Definitely continue with more slow water changes if you have the water handy. B
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    Hurricane Rita

    Pretty much the entire city is battening down the hatches. I think the decision to close tomorrow and Friday was mainly to let people get prepared if they're gonna stay, or get outta town if they're leaving. Apparently there isn't a hotel room to be had in any major city in the state at this...
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    Mini Magnetic Glass Cleaner...Pico Style I've done business with these guys before. ... _Magnetism They also have an ebay store...
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    Hurricane Rita

    If we decide to evac to Austin tomorrow night, we'll spend several hours taking rock out of the tanks and capturing the fish and put them and the corals in a couple coolers. I'll have to pack some lights, PH, skimmer, etc... I've got a friend that has an empty tank, but nothing else. I think...
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    Hurricane Rita

    My wife went out yesterday and got canned food, propane, and batteries for flashlights and airpumps. We're borrowing a friends small generator, and I'll get gas for it tonight as well as for both vehicles, and fill up all our camping water containers. I live in a central part of Houston called...
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    I just found these finnex tanks.... anyone use these?

    It looks like it could be slick, but you'd think they'd put more pics of them up on the site. One pic from the front that doesn't show the wet/dry area isn't very impressive to me. A lot of it would depend on the price of the tank. Since they're acrylic tanks I don't really see anything very...
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    some idea...full LED lightning

    Nope it won't work. Wrong wavelenght of light for photosynthesis. I've read reports that they're trying to come out with LED lamps that will be able to work as aquarium lights, but so far the few LED's that they've managed to create that do so are still rare/experimental, so also very...
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    Mini Magnetic Glass Cleaner...Pico Style

    Yeah. I've been thinking about ordering some of the ones that the guy over on nano-reef makes out of cast resin. His don't float either, but they're nice and think and small, and the magnets are very strong as well. He had the same problem, if he made enough of an air bubble for it to float...
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    rapid resp .

    Garlic gels, and liquids aren't as effective as fresh crushed garlic. The active compound, allicin, doesn't last long, so any store-bought preperation isn't gonna work as well. When we were treating a beta we asked one of the LFS owners that I trust which antibiotic we should try. And he...
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    Mini Magnetic Glass Cleaner...Pico Style

    Very cool. Does it float if they become separated? B
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    are RO/DI needed?

    I know some folks that have these for emergencies. They work fine, but that 'average 25-125g' can make this a much more expensive option than just buying an RO/DI unit. Usually for a nano the best solution is just to get both fresh and saltwater from your LFS. B
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    cube owners.

    :mrgreen: You're certainly not the only one that's addicted. Lotsa company on this and other boards. B
  16. I

    rapid resp .

    I wouldn't bother with an airstone. Your filters should be providing plenty of O2. I'd do another water change, but like I said, adding the new water back in slowly. I haven't actually used any fish meds, other than for a beta. I have heard decent things about this...
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    My 1st marine tank... and its a nano! =0) ::UPDATED 10/5::

    As long as you don't have livestock in the tank the temp really doesn't need to be stable. The bagged live sand is fine stuff, I think it's a bit on the pricey side, but I've used it in my tanks when I couldn't find the dry sugar-sized arragonite sand. They almost look like aragocrete rocks...
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    rapid resp .

    If you've got two filters running then you should have plenty of O2 exchange going on. I'd do another large water change, but I'd do it slowly. Easy to do on a pico. Just drain 50%, then set a dripline from your new saltwater dripping into the tank. That way any new parameters aren't a...
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    Introducing the newest Nanotank moderator...

    Especially since I consistently get my butt kicked by you guys. :lol3: Actually I'd be ok with not competing. It was just a fun excuse for me to post more pics anyway. Once I get my camera replaced I'll be posting again. Believe me. :) B