Search results

  1. I

    feeding live food

    Yes, you're absolutely right. Baby brine with the yolk sac still attached are nutritious. But most people that feed live are feeding adult brine. Where did you get the baby brine from, and how much of a pain is it to hatch them? I think you posted the info before, but I don't have time to...
  2. I

    Shrimps,,, and how they sleep...

    Your first problem is going to petco. ;-) I am sympathetic, that you lost the shrimp. It's a hit in the wallet, and they're very cool inverts. However you should NEVER listen to anything anyone at petco tells you about saltwater. Ever. Petco, and Petsmart, are one very small step up...
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    feeding live food

    It's fine to feed live food, but normal live brine, is about as nutritious for the clowns, as popcorn is for us. They're great for getting finicky fish to eat, and if you add selcon to the live brine for about a half hour before feeding them to the tank, it'll add some fatty acids that the fish...
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    Alright ready to set up my new on what to do from

    What kind of retro kit? PC, MH, T5? What wattage? B
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    Alright ready to set up my new on what to do from

    There have been a few salt studies done. The problem is that they're relatively expensive to do, and need to be repeatable. Eric Borneman is trying to get one off the ground here in Houston. It's been nearly a year in the planning stages, and hopefully will get started in the next couple...
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    Lighting Alternatives....that are cheap

    Honestly I'd tell step away, and tell your friends that you'll help them with specific questions, but that that they're gonna have to do a lot of basic research before the tanks can be set up. During the time that they're doing the reading, they can be looking for used lighting setups. It's...
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    new ten gallon

    They may still be adjusting to the higher light. Since my 96w is over a 40g cube, they're not used to as much light as they're receiving now. If you have cyclopeeze I'd target feed them a little bit of that every 3-4 days. B
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    plate coral or not

    Plate corals have a hard internal skeleton. If it has one I'd say probably small plate corals. It would be difficult to confuse them with a mushroom with the skeleton though. Those are pretty bizarre. They might be some type flower anemone. Then again it could be something else entirely...
  9. I

    Lighting for my AGA 20g. H reef tank...

    Use eggcrate. Plastic ligting grid material available at Home Depot, Loews, etc... It's easy to cut using regular wire cutters. B
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    Lighting for my AGA 20g. H reef tank...

    You'll want to remove the glass top. It impedes evaporation, which will raise your temps outside the acceptable range. I don't necessarily agree with the chart, well the SPS column anyway. A lot of SPS requires more than what is listed, and MH is really recommended. But there are some SPS...
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    Major Happy Dance! My new LR came w/ a teeny feather duster!

    It should be fine. Congrats on getting some LR, with some interesting critters to watch while it cycles. B
  12. I

    aquaclear 50 refiguim

    You might try asking on MARSH. I know there are some members in the CS area. B
  13. I

    Your best ...

    Bah! There's a lot of folks with good advice/info on here. I just happen to have enough time at work to be able to post long replies, and hunt up info/links. ;-) Thanks for the compliment though. B
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    Canopy and stand

    Putting links in the posts is helpful to everyone. Here's some I found after a quick google search. B ... anopy.html ... %2Ffish%2F...
  15. I

    Lighting for my AGA 20g. H reef tank...

    That's low-to-moderate lighting for a 20. I've got a 96w powerquad over a 10g for comparison. However you should be able to keep lots of stuff under that light with no problems. Mushrooms, zoos, LPS, leathers, polyps. If you can return it quickly either for the cash, or for 100% credit I...
  16. I

    Your best ...

    Patience and research are the keys to being successful in the hobby. Oh, and don't trust your LFS to know their elbow from their @ss. B
  17. I

    Super glue

    It will work. But you have to use a ton of it. One of the reefers that I've had quite a bit of contact here with uses it to glue frags to rock, and to glue the small rocks to the larger reef. Because it's a liquid, and the rock is very porous, you're gonna have to use a lot of it. He often...
  18. I

    coral question

    Nope, it's definitely not a leather. It's pavona. At least according to liveaquaria, which is where the pic is from. ... pCatId=476 Here's another image of it. ... coral.html It's the same thing I have...
  19. I

    Alright ready to set up my new on what to do from

    I've had great results with crystal seas bioassay salt. For a nano tank I don't really think it's necessary to buy an RO/DI unit. Most LFS will sell you both saltwater, and RO/DI water. As mentioned you'll need a filter, and water, that's about it. You'll need a hydrometer, or...
  20. I


    They were both under 96w in the tank I took them out of, but they're in a 40g cube, so they're MUCH further away from the light than in your tank. Just give them a little time and they should be fine. When I originally got mine it seemed to take them a while to settle in. They're so small, I...