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    They can certainly take off. Glad they're doing well. B
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    moving day

    Just get a large cooler. Put everything in it with a couple 'bait bubblers', or battery powered air pumps, and you should be fine. Before the hurricane I ended up getting three of these. They were all about $10 each. There is a more expensive type that actually plugs in the wall, and when...
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    How do you feed Cyclop-eeze?

    A little goes a long way. Thawing it out beforehand in a cup of tank water, and turning off the filtration will make it easier to not overfeed. B
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    I'm not sure where you got this from, but it's not really accurate. It certainly could be true that some leathers, and some zoos don't get along, but I've got zoos, and leathers in my 6g, and my 75g and they seem to be fine, and have been for the last year or so. B
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    Should I turn off filter while feed'g Live Phytoplankton?

    You shouldn't feed phyto to a cycling tank. The mini duster will do fine without it. It's very rich food, and is likely to cause algae outbreaks. After the tank is cycled you should definitely turn off the filters while feeding it. B
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    Bugs in my tank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Copepods, or amphipods, most likely. They're a good sign. Do a search for isopods. They're bad news, and you'll have to wait until you kill them all off before you can add fish if you have them. B
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    aquaclear 50 refiguim

    I'd go with the AC110, it used to be the AC500. That's what I've got on on the 10g. B
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    feeding live food

    I wouldn't feed DT's while you're cycling. It's very rich food. The mini dusters on the rock will be fine without it, and it's likely to cause an algae bloom this early. B
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    Couple pics

    Thanks, it'll be a bit before I really start getting them up again. It looks like with Sadielyn's help, I'll have my camera fixed and back in two or three weeks. B
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    Couple pics

    I took these over the last day or so with my wife's boss's camera. B Octo mood lighting. Hermit on Bottle Brush Coral Tuxedo Urchin with Anthelia hat. B
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    Ballast B
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    My 1st marine tank... and its a nano! =0) ::UPDATED 10/5::

    Nah, I'd leave the large one on. It's hard to tell from your pics, but the pics and the link you posted looks like what I've normally seen as fiji blue devils. The description of it raising it's dorsal fin fits with the one's I've seen/kept. It doesn't really mean much though, as LFS...
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    My 1st marine tank... and its a nano! =0) ::UPDATED 10/5::

    Yep, you don't really want any dead spots, even if you're not planning on putting corals there, it's likely to end up growing problem algae. With smaller tanks a ph or two usually generate enough current to get all over the tank. You can experiment with pointing it in different places until...
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    my 20 now at school

    Good job. It looks great. B
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    Shrimps,,, and how they sleep...

    If your tank is fully cycled and you haven't placed any critters in it yet, your readings should all be at zero. Having a small reading on the nitrates, could mean that you are at the end of your cycle, or it could be that the guy at petco doesn't know what he's doing when it comes to the...
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    my new cycling 20gal

    I like tonga branch a lot. It looks like you're a bit on the light side when it comes to rock, but I like what you've done with what you've got so far. B
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    my 2 pico

    That's a great looking little tank BTW. :-) B
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    my 2 pico

    Scallops have very poor survival rates in tanks. Your friend could have done everything right, and it still wouldn't likely have made it more than a month or two. B
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    Shrimps,,, and how they sleep...

    Good job. Congrats on getting the replacement. Hopefully the tank is cycled enough that they'll both do ok. B
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    Major Happy Dance! My new LR came w/ a teeny feather duster!

    Every time I buy LR for a new tank, I feel exactly the same way. ;-) B