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  1. I

    I removed the glass canopy -- wow, what a difference!

    Cons - As you've noticed salt creep, and mineral deposits will build up and cut the effectiveness of your lights. The glass top will cause your temps to be higher, as evaporation is the main way for a tank to shed heat. The top blocks this evaporation, and you don't have as good oxygen...
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    Boxing Crab -- any idea where to get one?

    The anemones are the reason they're called pom-pom, or boxing crabs. They wave them at critters that are bothering them. I guess if you ran into the anemone and got stung once you might leave the crab alone the next time. B Here's the best pic I've managed to get of mine, since they're...
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    New JBL tanks?

    Nanotuners is already selling them. They do not have a protein skimmer. There is a surface skimmer. So far I haven't been able to find a picture with the hood up on them though. B
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    2.5g pico Hood and Stand

    You did a great job. It looks good. Since the back is open you may not need a fan at all, but I'm sure it'll be fine with one. B
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    parting out 55 gallon

    Where are you located? Are you willing to ship? B
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    something for my O. Clown to host in

    You might want to try looking for local clubs. They're likely to have frag swaps, and all the info on decent LFS in the area. These are Florida clubs I found listed on RC. B ... orumid=308
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    The honeymoon is over...

    I'd just leave it alone. It's possible that it dropped the crown, and will grow a new one. Or it could just be retracted far inside the tube. B
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    Boxing Crab -- any idea where to get one?

    Nope. Check this page. It's got both listed with pics. B
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    orange mushroom ?

    Nope...That's a pretty good deal. B
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    2.5g pico Hood and Stand

    Wow...That looks really good. I'm having a hard time telling if the back of the hood is completely open or not. If not you might need to put in a small fan. How long did it take you? B
  11. I

    Hey could someone with a lighting question

    Sorry, but the link that was posted seemed to answer your question. What's the width of an eclipse 12g? Does it use an eclipse 1, 2, or 3 hood. Without knowing how much space you have to work with, there isn't really any way for people to look up retro kits that might work for you. You...
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    Boxing Crab -- any idea where to get one?

    All the ones I've seen are pretty small...Between the size of a dime, and a nickel. Of course that doesn't mean they don't get larger. ;-) B
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    Wattage per gallon rule???

    The second link is the German parent company. The first link is the Houston location. If you hit the about us pages on each site it becomes a bit clearer. I had no idea they were local. B
  14. I

    Boxing Crab -- any idea where to get one?

    I've got two in my 75g, and one in my 6g. Nothing special is required really. They do seem to be pretty shy, so I don't see them much, but it's neat when they do make an appearance. Mine seem to lose their anemones when they molt. One seems to have managed to keep one, but the others...
  15. I

    How fast should a drip tank drip?

    You can use plastic t-valves. I think the last time I bought some it was something like $5 for ten of them. ... 004+113029 ... 4294965778 I use different rates on the dripline for different critters...
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    The fire shrimp and pistol shrimp should be fine. Fire shrimp tend to be somewhat shy. I love them, and kept a pair in my 55g, but they simply didn't come much. As pretty as they are I'd rather spend the $50-$70 on something that I'll actually get to see most of the time. B
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    food coloring

    I tried food coloring when I set up my main system, but found that it disolved so fast in that amount of water, even under minor current, as to be totally useless in determining anything. Phytoplex is a good suggestion. It's more opaque/cloudy than food coloring, so you'll be able to get a...
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    Wattage per gallon rule???

    Mike, You've got plenty of light over your tank. skipm laid it out very well. I'll try to make it even more starkly apparent that watts-per-gallon means nothing, and everyone knows that it's useless, if they stop to think about it for a second. I could hang two 250w MH kits in my hood...
  19. I

    20 gallon stocking

    So far I haven't seen anyone mention that if you're gonna put in a dottyback or pseudo, it needs to be the last one introduced to the tank. They're VERY territorial, and will harrass new fish to death. I had a juvi neon dottyback in my 55g that killed every fish I put in after it, including...
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    Something for my false perc...

    Frogspawn, and torch corals are pretty hardy and wavy. I've seen my clowns in my feather duster, mushrooms, GSP, Anthelia, and rubbing against the cleaning magnet. :mrgreen: B