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    Wallpaper images. WARNING.....LARGE IMAGES.

    Yeah, that was a very chilly camping trip last Easter weekend. I was just experimenting with the shot. I should have cleaned my sunglasses before I handed them to her....Or at least had her wipe them off once I started playing with it. LOL...Live and learn. B
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    You might be able to get decent fish shots by setting your camera to the auto 'action' setting, then turning off the flash. It depends on the camera/lighting, some produce good results this way, some don't. B
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    Wallpaper images. WARNING.....LARGE IMAGES.

    Here's the non-reef ones...Although the first one is actually of the surface of my octo tank with the pumps on. I just liked the random color of the shot. B
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    Wallpaper images. WARNING.....LARGE IMAGES.

    I thought maybe folks would appreciate some larger wallpaper images. We've got a thread for them on Marsh, and I've seen one on RC, so I figured what the heck, I'd post some of mine here as well. First post is some reef images, second post is just some random other photos that I use from...
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    Couple pics

    Sorry, I missed this earlier. His body is probably three inches or so and his tentacles are probably about five or six inches when he stretches them all the way out. B
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    Very nice looking tank. Welcome to the site. B
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    It should be fine. :-) B
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    20 gallon stocking

    A 20g, isn't enough room for any angel. Even the cherub, or flamebacks. They need more room to swim around, without it they get stressed out, and end up croaking to ick, or something else. B
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    Jittery Fish

    I've only done it once a day. I continue it for 3-4 days after all visible signs are gone and the affected fish are eating and healthy looking. The method I posted will definitely make your house smell like garlic. B
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    Sadie, Your temp is fine as long as it's steady. Most reef tanks are a bit closer to 80, but that's because they run lots of lights, pumps etc... Anywhere between 70-82 is fine as long as there isn't a big swing in the temp during the day, especially over a small amount of time. I've even...
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    Evil Crab...

    Yep, black clawed, hairy, gorilla crabs. B
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    parting out 55 gallon

    Do you have any pics of the LR? I've got a buddy that's looking to setup a 55 in Austin. B
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    protein skimmer for jbj 24dx

    There are several threads on n-r as well. I'm sure the DIY gurus here could come up with something if they put their heads/hands to it. B
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    Evil Crab...

    The first time I was really lucky, and the rock was a newly aquired mushroom rock that was near the top of the tank. I couldn't just leave it dry and hope for the crab to come out looking for water since it was covered in shrooms. I tried using forceps to prod it out, and it just managed to...
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    hammer color

    All corals will look different under different light setups. That's why it's so hard to shop for corals at VTF, their lights suck. You never know what the colors are gonna look like in your tank. However they're the worst. Most of the stores have them under 10k, and actinic lights, so they...
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    protein skimmer for jbj 24dx

    Is this the one you're talking about? ... cts_id=150 Reading this thread, it doesn't appear that they're really available yet. Although when they are, they should fit. ... hl=fission B
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    Evil Crab...

    I haven't had any luck with the glass jar method, but other's have. Twice I've just watched the tank until I figure out where the crabs hole was, removed that rock, squirted rubbing alcohol in the hole to kill it, and then managed to remove it. B
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    I removed the glass canopy -- wow, what a difference!

    Yes. Check the photo forum for the latest pic I've got of the the little bugger. This one is a bimaculatus, and wild caught, as opposed to the bimaculoides that you can buy that are tank raised. Even though they are sister species we've seen VERY different behavior from this one, compared...
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    question about par

    Here's a thread I've posted a link to before that has lots of good info on aquarium lighting. It's kind of sarcastic and funny, but very informative. B ... genumber=1
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    Weird question about water...

    Yep, that's basically it. Since the specific gravity, and salinity is different between the two, and the tank is well lit, you can see the reaction as the water tries to mix. B