Search results

  1. I

    I got another freebie Micro Brittle Star tonight!!

    Yep. It's amazing how many I find when I do a water change and I vacuum up detritus/algae. I do my best to rescue them before pouring the old water out, but I'm sure I lose some of them. B
  2. I

    new critter

    The things I've read about most shrimp is that they do better in pairs or groups of the same type. With that in mind I had a pair of skunk cleaners, a pair of peppermints, a pair of blood/fire shrimp, a group of sexy shrimp in my 55g tank for almost two years before the mother*%$&ing coral...
  3. I

    knobby star fish

    Most starfish that have large projecting knobs are NOT reef safe. The two most common types would be Red General Stars, and Chocolate Chip Stars. If this is the one you're talking about, it's normally called a Red General in this area, and it's NOT reef safe. FWIW, It would be easier for...
  4. I

    Is this a chiton?

    It's most likely a stometella snail. They're harmless, and eat algae. They're not major workhorses like some others, but they do eat some, and don't harm anything. Some limpets also have very small partial shells on the back. Look up keyhole limpets. B
  5. I

    coral id

    Sorry but even though the first pic is good I don't have a clue. It will probably have to grow out a bit before it's identifiable. Third pic is probably Neomeris annulata You can check this thread. The second pic just isn't clear...
  6. I

    I got another freebie Micro Brittle Star tonight!!

    It's not like your normal LFS is trying to sell these little guys...They're just present in the coral tanks and hitch-hike on your purchases. This is pretty common. Sometimes you can get them if your LFS has a tank setup to sell live sand out of. Another good possibility would be if they're...
  7. I

    This should help many beginners with a confusing decision.

    It's a good basic overview, but I see several areas that I don't really agree with. Here's some just after a quick scan of the article. B Electronic ballasts are supposed to be more effecient, and help extend bulb life a bit, but not to the extent that the article states. A lot of...
  8. I

    Does anyone know anything about these little clown gobies?

    Do a search for clown goby, clown gobies, citron goby, and citron gobies. You'll find we've discussed these guys quite a bit. B
  9. I

    Wallpaper images. WARNING.....LARGE IMAGES.

    Yep, downtown. Across from my building. The piece is sorta famous, but I'm a bad art student and can't remember what it's called or who it's by. I may try to find the info later, if I get time. B
  10. I


    :lol: Sounds about right. Compromise is the key. My wife lets me get away with lots of stuff. I certainly didn't mean it to sound like she was unreasonable in any way about the tanks. :cool1: B
  11. I

    best fish

    If I weren't busy today, I'd have looked up the others...Just don't have time right now. :mrgreen: B
  12. I

    Dumb clowns

    If you like the clown pair, just get them. They may or may not host whatever you purchase with them. However if they're looking like they are in the tank at the store, then they're likely to choose something in your tank to host in as long as it's wavy, and large enough for both of them. B
  13. I

    best fish

    BICOLOR BLENNY- Had a couple, good personality, may not keep color. BLUE GUDGEON- Tried one. Disappeared 1st day. BLUE DOT- Judging by pics, this one is nice looking and a bit rarer. I'd seriously consider this one. BROWN CHEEK- Boring, not a lot of color. CANARY BLENNY- Have a poor...
  14. I

    Boxing Crab -- any idea where to get one?

    My understanding was that they should pick them back up from the old molt, but one in my 75g lost both anemones, and the other has lost one. They don't seem too bothered by the loss though. I don't have anything in the tank that'll really bother them much. I've got sexy shrimp in there too...
  15. I

    Wallpaper images. WARNING.....LARGE IMAGES.

    All were shot with an olympus c-5050 zoom. Except for the first one. That was shot with an older canon powershot. It's actually in the shop getting fixed right now. It's been nearly 4 months now that I haven't had a camera, but it shouldn't be much longer now. The oly is an older model, but...
  16. I


    Sounds like a good plan. My wife made me set the lights back so that they started going off at 11pm instead of midnight cause the lights were bothering her when she was trying to sleep. :) B
  17. I

    What do I do with this brittle star hitchhiker?

    Actually my mini bristle stars don't seem to do all that much. My asterinas, and my mini blue leg hermits seem to do more work. I actually need to order another round of snails and hermits in the near future. As soon as I win the lottery, I'm gonna get right on it. :lol: Here's a pic of...
  18. I

    Boxing Crab -- any idea where to get one?

    Thanks...Here's a decent pic of one of pom-pom-less ones in my 75g. B
  19. I

    Sometimes I take pics of things besides my tanks.

    Ok...Cause I'm a proud uncle...Here's another one I took of my nephew that I really liked during the reunion a couple weeks ago. B
  20. I


    I authorized the repairs on Friday, as I was trying to leave work to go out of town. I was in a hurry so I didn't even look to see if there was a turn-around estimate. I've waited this long, a few more weeks isn't gonna hurt me. ;-) B