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  1. I


    Lighting will be a problem. The internal filter is a joke and will be totally useless for saltwater, and there's no good way to add a filter so, probably 30% water changes weekly. Powerheads are going to be tricky to add to a curved surface. Even if they stick they'll need to be towards the...
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    Can someone please help me identify this crab.

    Not really. Xanthids can and will kill fish. It may take awhile for the crab to get large enough to go after your fish, depending of course on the type and size of fish you have. B
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    Can someone please help me identify this crab.

    With the shape and the dark claws of the first one it's probably a bad guy. Some type of xanthid crab. Nearly all of them are not reef safe. It's hard to tell about the greenish one. If it's claws are darker than the rest of it, it's also probably not reef safe. If they're the same...
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    What filtration would you prefer...?

    I like the AC500, converted to a fuge. It's a large, (and relatively cheap), filter so you can pretty easily have space for a heater, filter pads, etc... B
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    No sure what is on my LR

    A pair of cleaner shimp would be fine. They can definitely be a bit on the pricey side, but they're prettier than peppermints, and aren't as shy as blood shimp. B
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    How many inverts should you have?

    skipm is right. Because different inverts will eat different things, and different tanks have different clean up needs it's often more complicated than you'd think. I usually try for a mix that includes blue leg hermits, scarlet hermits, astrea, margarita, trochus, and cerith snails. Once...
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    Aiptasia? Do I need to be worried about getting rid of them?

    I've used all the methods listed. They all work. I will say that I think that Joes Juice worked the best. And it comes with a syringe, that you can use for the other methods if you run out. You definitely want to kill them off when you only have a small population. If you get lazy about...
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    Unfortunately none of them 'stay' small. Bubbles, and sebae are usually not particularly fast growers, but I have seen a rose bubble that took up 3/4 of an oceanic 30g cube. Anemones really aren't that great a candidate for nanos, because they may wander around looking for that sweet spot...
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    equipment questions

    Powersweeps are larger than maxijets, and the 'sweep' function tends to crap out pretty quickly. Remora would be great, but it might be a bit of overkill pricewise for skimmer that'll handle a 25g. My boss has one of these on his 18g, and it has done a fantastic job. you can't really beat...
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    Day after Turkey day sale purchase...

    The continual irritation of the sand can definitely cause tissue recession, and possibly kill it. I went away for a weekend, and my jawfish buried half my purple plate coral. When I cleared it off, nearly half of the tissue was gone. It only lasted about a week after that. I'd just move the...
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    Little Help

    Bivalve. B
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    Wallpaper images. WARNING.....LARGE IMAGES.

    Here's a few more.
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    Are these suitable for a pico?

    The hammer or the bubble should be fine. Both are about the same as far as flow/lighting. They're both relatively easy to keep. B
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    Sounds like it's a gonner. Clowns don't really hide much. I wouldn't tear up the rockwork looking for it. You'll just stir stuff up more. You may have crabs that are molting. If these aren't molts, and really are dead crabs, then some of your parameters might be off. I lost my midas...
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    what kind of tank?

    Like skipm said, the stuff you want to keep will determine to a large degree how you need to set the tank up. A fish only with live rock, (FOWLR), tank can be lit with NO lights, and everything will be fine. A reef tank on the other hand will require higher lighting that will support corals...
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    Electric Flame Scallop

    Most people can't keep them alive longer than a couple months. I've tried them a couple times, and won't purchase anymore. Most of the comments I've heard on the boards are pretty similar. B
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    A few pics from a friend's tank.

    Thanks. As always there were some that I thought would turn out better than they did, but really did like the clown one. B
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    need advice on what to buy...

    2x 96w over a 40g would be fine for the corals mentioned. (frogspawn, candycane, mushrooms, zoos), But not good enough for clams. Scallops are just a bad idea. They don't do well in ANY tanks. I don't consider a 40g tank a nano. However other than sea hares, and berghia nudibranches...
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    A few pics from a friend's tank.

    Very nice. I remember that find. I just saw some similar looking ones at the LFS today. I decided I wanted to wait and let things stabilize a bit in the new tank before spending $50. B
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    See...I do it too.

    I hadn't seen this guy in awhile. When I was breaking the tanks down I found him in my anthellia. He made the move into the 30g with no problems, and finally found the cucumber. I haven't managed to get a good angle since they hooked up, but so far so good. B