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  1. I

    What the hell is going on ??

    Sadie, You should definitely be ok with the 72w over a 10g for a little while. I think checking the equipment is an excellent idea. I have had more than one puddle that made my heart stop thinking the tank was leaking, only to find that a hose, was loose, or a powerhead was spraying water...
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    I'm back.

    You guys totally rock! I got the package in the mail yesterday. What can I say, but thank you. Ya'll are amazing. I'm very lucky to be surrounded by such incredibly generous, wonderful people. Thank you so much. B
  3. I

    What the hell is going on ??

    Sorry to hear about this. Take a few deep breaths. It'll be fine. Definitely don't throw in the towel. Go to target or lowes, home depot, or wally world and buy a rubber maid container. The 18g ones are sturdy enough to nearly fill them with water with no bowing, and they run about $8...
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    Are my Oscellaris likely to jump?

    Mike, I think your theory of them reacting stongly to unexpected movements is probably good...However I think the real problem in your case is that the tank they're housed in is too small. If they make a sudden dash because they're startled, they just pop out of that small a tank. This...
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    2005 Fall Contest - Vote for the winner

    Contratulations Steven! :yippee B
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    See...I do it too.

    Nope no signs of a molt so far...But for the first month or so it was in a 75g tank. Now that it's in the 30g it's a bit more likely that I'll see it if it molts. But the cucumber, and therefor the shrimp spends most of it's time in the back and center of the LR, so I don't see it that...
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    Good info folks. April, it sounds like yours are doing great. I've just got the single guy, but I'm hoping to find a female for him at some point. One of the LFS get's them semi-regularly. I'm considering making my 30g cube mostly a seahorse/pipefish tank. But I want to do a bit more...
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    It'll be fine. Just set the heater about half of normal and bring it up over the course of a couple days. Honestly I've never used a heater on my tanks. A 3-4 degree change over several hours isn't that big a deal, and not outside of what many corals/fish deal with normally in the wild. B
  9. I

    Fish for a small Nano tank

    A neon cleaner goby or a red headed goby would be fine in that size tank. A catalina goby would be as well, if you could keep it chilled to 60-65 degrees F. I'd wouldn't necessarily wait 6 months, but at least a couple months after your cycle, to make sure you have your chemistry, temp...
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    Heres a few new pics.

    reefman23's got it right. I feed Monday through Friday. B
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    Heres a few new pics.

    Nope. I don't dose anything on that tank. It's the work tank. It gets a gallon water change each week, and the fish get fed cyclopeeze M-F, and that's all that goes into it. B
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    Heres a few new pics.

    If you find yourself in the market for another one, I highly recommend hitting It's the single best site I've seen for info on cameras. has good info as well, I just don't think that they're reviews are as thorough, and I've often had a hard time...
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    Heres a few new pics.

    Mostly it's practice. But having a camera with decent macro capabilities, and manual settings can be important. FWIW, the canon powershot a510, or a520 will get great shots, and cost less than $200. B
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    Heres a few new pics.

    Nope. The Jawfish really doesn't much care for the pipefish swimming aroun the opening to his burrow. But the pipefish could care less and isn't intimidated at all by the Jawfish. :lol3: B
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    Heres a few new pics.

    I believe so. I've got three of them in my work nano. This one is front and center, the other two are sort of up on a flat ledge and not as obvious. B
  16. I

    Heres a few new pics.

    Leather Mini Brittlestar Mini Brittlestar and Mushroom Pearly Jawfish, and Bluestripe Pipefish
  17. I

    See...I do it too.

    So here's a few new pics. The shrimp finally found the cucumber, and is happily riding it around the tank. Unfortunately the pics aren't great because I'd just added kalk to the tank when the pair came out of the rock. B
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    Nanocustoms 12g DX 1.70 Nanocube..

    According to oceanic's site they don't. However you could pretty easily add a stainless laminate to an existing black stand/canopy. This was a result of a cursory google...
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    Nanocustoms 12g DX 1.70 Nanocube..

    :lol: Sounds like it would be a LOT less expensive for you to set that tank up. B
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    Nanocustoms 12g DX 1.70 Nanocube..

    Not in my opinion. But that's all it is an opinion. Nanocustoms seems to do good work, and most people seem to have been happy with their products. I just can't see spending that much money to cram stuff into the NC, when I could spend quite a bit less, and have a better filtration...