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  1. I

    New tank questions

    Moving a tank, will normally cause a small cycle, and generally stress things out. Like others have said, stock lighting on most nanocubes may not be enough to keep your corals happy, and brains require quite a bit of food. For most nano tanks buying RO/DI fresh water for top off, and...
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    I've kept them for awhile now. A 12g tank isn't large enough. If you're serious about keeping one, you'll need a 40g tank with an oversized filtration system, and I'd suggest a lot of reading here: They're by far the most interactive animal I've kept. B
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    What's happening need experts help

    LOL...I just found it. Have a good weekend guys. I'm off to go hunting. B
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    What's happening need experts help

    I just looked for the thread you're describing, but didn't have any luck doing a quick search with you as author and acclimate. Do you remember if you described what you were acclimating? B
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    10 gallon nano help...

    Skip the hydrometer. They're pretty unreliable. Refractometers are much more accurate and they're relatively cheap now. On they're front page they list one for $43. Some of the folks have moved to jbj's digilab from the refractometers and seem...
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    This happened pretty fast for a pathogen. My guess at this point would be that the water params are off somehow, and either your test kit isn't accurate, or it's something that you haven't been testing for. Do you get your top off water from the LFS? Is it RO/DI water? Sorry to hear...
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    What's happening need experts help

    There are lots of threads about building/using bristleworm traps, but I've never gotten them to work very well. However a bit of filter floss, or scub pad rubber banded around a piece of shrimp left over night was crawling with them the next morning, and I just lifted it out and caught the...
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    AIPTASIA & DIGITATE HYDROIDS (ok i posted some pics)

    They look more like hydroids to me than mini feather dusters, but hydroids usually aren't an issue unless you're trying to keep seahorses. B
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    Planning my first Saltwater Tank

    :welcome I have heard/seen/read of people using canister filters for reef tanks, but most don't mainly because the filter would need to be cleaned out weekly, like any other type of mechanical filter, and they tend to be quite a bit more expensive than HOB filters that'll get the job done...
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    What's happening need experts help

    From an earlier post discussing acclimation methods. ... dures#3142 Raising your salinity is easy. Just make up a batch of salt water, and use it as your top-off water until your salinity is back up to 1.025. Then go back to using fresh RO/DI water...
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    10 gallon nano help...

    I'd definitely go with the legs. Even with them you'll probably end up having to wipe salt off of it fairly often. I know I have to clean mine about once a week or so, and I've got the legs on it. B
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    Meet Nemo and his friends !!!

    None of them open for me either. It just says contacting at the bottom, and never goes past that stage. B
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    Digi-lab Digital Handheld Tester

    Here's the online manual. But the manual, and the brochure both just say that it measures in Fahrenheit. It doesn't mention Celsius at all. I looked all over and couldn't find anything anywhere that mentions that it'll read in C. Here's a...
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    Night critter????

    They're amphipods. Here's a page that has some common Australian species. Welcome to the site BTW. Brian
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    Wave Maker

    There really isn't any such device for nanos. Unless you've got multiple PH in your nano. There are a couple timers that you can plug them into and it basically turns one on, then another one, then another one, etc... With this type of device you can get greater randomization by cutting off...
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    Encrusting coral

    Chub, Look at the SPS pics on,, and Then look at the lps, especially the favia brains. Then start checking out the polyps, as most of them are encrusting as well. Without a pic, to help id the coral, it's just nearly impossible to help you...
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    Fastest Setup for 12G NC

    Like Chub, and leaf have mentioned, if you get fresh sand, with just a small amount of live sand to help seed the bagged sand, and use cured rock from an established tank, and saltwater from the lfs, your cycle can be very minimal. I would take a large cooler to the store and choose the rock...
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    FISSION Nano-Protein Skimmer...

    Congratulations. I know lots of folks are still waiting on theirs. It may take several days to a week to break in, so that you start seeing skimmate being collected. I believe someone mentioned in another thread that if you soak it in really hot water that helps speed up the break in time. B
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    Is this bad?

    I agree it looks like a mushroom. It's time to do some reading. :mrgreen: For what it's worth it looks like it's something along these lines, but it could be one of several different types, it's hard to tell when they're small. ... C/CW/CWG00...
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    Fish for a small Nano tank

    That tank really is a bit small for even a juvenile clown. Stick with the gobies. The green banded ones are really much cooler looking than the pic on liveaquaria would lead you to believe. I had one for a couple weeks, then it just disappeared. These aren't the best pics, as the glass...