Search results

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    Okay, for those of you who need the COOLEST new gadget...

    It means the camera should be able to focus on anything within 5cm of the lens. B
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    Okay, for those of you who need the COOLEST new gadget...

    With higher end digital SLR cameras you have to have macro lens that will allow you to get close to a subject and stay in focus. The great thing about dSLRs is that you have a lot of flexibility to shoot different things by changing lenses. But the camera body isn't cheap, and the lenses are...
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    lemon/lime / boiling h20

    I just inject them with boiling water, lemon juice, or joes juice while in the tank. B
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    Okay, for those of you who need the COOLEST new gadget...

    I'd consider it if and only if they figure out a universal camera adapter for it. I agree that some of the small stuff is incredibly interesting. I just can't see spending that much on it. That's a sizable chunk towards a dSLR camera, or if you already have a dSLR, that's a very nice macro...
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    can you build a fuge out of a 5-10 gal. HOB filter. Like skipm pointed out, the really small HOB filters will generally be too small to do much good. Luckily the larger ones aren't particularly...
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    meet our new fishies in the 7gallon mb

    I'd suggest waiting on names til they've been around for 6-8wks. ;-) I had to make my wife start waiting cause at first she named everything as it got put in the tank, and it was harder on her when something didn't make it. B
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    DE UV GLASS...

    The glass doesn't need to be tempered. It just needs to be UV resistent. I'd call one of the lighting companies like champion lighting, or hellolights, and ask them what type of glass it is. They may be able to simply sell you a piece. You might have heat issues with a full sheet of...
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    DE UV GLASS...

    You only need a small piece of glass to go in front of the bulb. It shouldn't run you more than $10-$15 at most. With a larger setup you'll still only need small pieces of glass. Most fixtures and retro kits will come with them. I think the lexan may do the job, but it'll be waste of...
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    My 20gl nano

    More info. ... d=1696&N=4
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    My 20gl nano

    The green things are tunicates. B
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    Journal for new canopy to house MH retro...

    I'd just extend the wiring so that you can put the ballasts on the floor. They generate a lot of heat and not having it in/on the canopy will help that issue tremendously. B
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    DE UV GLASS...

    I'd just call around glass shops and ask for UV blocking, or UV resistant glass. B
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    New Setup - AGA 75 Gallon Pre-Drilled

    Very nice. I like the rockwork. I'm hoping to add a custom refugium to my 30g in the next couple months. B
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    Digi-lab Digital Handheld Tester

    LOL.... I mainly use google. :) The friggin holidays/work/marriage stuff is eating my lunch lately, which is why I haven't been on as much. I'm hoping things settle down a bit in January/February. B
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    Additives for my 30G FOWLR

    For the most part I don't think you should use any additive unless you have a test kit to make sure you're dosing appropriately. I'd stay away from iodine especially unless you are testing for it, because it can be toxic if you add too much. Most tanks can use extra calcium, but again you need...
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    Emperor Cardinal fish

    Cardinals tend to do better in groups. They also tend to be very placid fish, and the maroon could just have it stressed out, seeing as maroons are one of the most agressive clowns out there. What size tank are they in? B
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    Pairing clowns...

    Black percs, are just a different color variant of occellaris. There is no black true perc. That said, it's very possible that they'll pair up. I had a black clown that was paired up with a true perc with little to no problems. Try to get a black clown that's smaller than the clown that...
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    Digi-lab Digital Handheld Tester

    According to this site, they're made by a korean company, and the specs only mention celcius, although the faq mentions F. I wasn't able to find any sites that mentioned changing it to read F. I sent them an email asking if you could change it though. B
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    You don't need to be dosing phyto anywhere near as heavily as you have been. Maybe one capful a week, and even that's quite a bit for that size tank, with the corals you've got. B
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    Setting up a small Nano Tank

    You might try giving the guy at a call. They're customer service is excellent and they can tell you what you'll need when it comes to an RO/DI, or RO unit, and they're prices are very competitive. B