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  1. I

    Please ID the pink worms/snakes/tentacles coming outta rock

    They're different, but both are harmles, and both extend tentacles like this. B
  2. I

    sand is starting to get brown spots

    Stock lights, doesn't give any info, unless it's a known variable, like a nanocube. Since you have a 10g tank, there is no such thing as 'stock'. If you don't have test kits to test your own water, you need to get some. Having your water checked at a LFS can be great if the person testing...
  3. I

    sand is starting to get brown spots

    Standard algae fighting questions. How old is your tank? What size is it? What kind of lights do you have on it? How long do the lights stay on? How are your parameters? Ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, pH? What kind of water are you using? Is it RO/DI? B
  4. I

    See...I do it too.

    I'm hoping that since it seems to have different hosts, that it doesn't have any particularly specific dietary needs. Hopefully I'll be able to get some pics of it this weekend. The repaired camera showed up in the mail last night. Of course the shrimp moved under a ledge when I was trying...
  5. I

    See...I do it too.

    I've noticed it as well. And I have a few ideas on why it would be that way, and it's probably a combination of factors. B
  6. I

    See...I do it too.

    Thanks. I had seen the wetweb one, but not the RC one. The search function on RC wasn't working worth a darn for me yesterday. B
  7. I

    See...I do it too.

    Yep...I generally don't buy anything from AW. The prices are ridiculous compared to the rest of the stores in town, and they're one of the worst about making sh*t up, instead of just telling you that they don't know. Unfortunately the do sometimes get things the other stores don't, and they're...
  8. I

    Some sort of tube...

    It's likely a type of feather worm. Although spaghetti worms do this too. B
  9. I

    See...I do it too.

    Mike, I remember this one. I still haven't seen one of them in a store here. ... ght=shrimp But I didn't remember you having one like I bought. I hadn't heard that the bumble bees feed on clams. But they do feed on starfish. B
  10. I

    2.5 gal tank - newbie here and need help

    Unfortunately without patience and research, everything you've heard about keeping saltwater tanks being hard, is a serious understatement. It will be expensive, frustrating, time-consuming, and did I mention expensive? :lol: On the other hand if you do the research, you'll learn the...
  11. I

    sand is starting to get brown spots

    Most likely it's a diatom bloom. B
  12. I

    See...I do it too.

    Every store, without exception, sells stuff they don't have info on. Even the best ones. The difference is the best ones will tell you that they don't have any idea what it is. This is because the stores can fill out request/order forms with their vendors, but they don't really have any...