Search results

  1. D

    My 10 gallon build.

    i started with a ten, love those tanks. tank looks great, keep up the good work.
  2. D

    Please help identify this crab

    definitly a emerald crab, reef safe, very good algae cleaner. the bigger they get the more destructive they can get. they tend to knock everything over. they are very strong.
  3. D

    Please help identify this coral (?)

    your pH will be fine, i would definitly try to inject JJ into the stem. it might take a bit to rid it from your tank. larger anenomes take a few more times. HTH
  4. D

    Please help identify this coral (?)

    yes very bad :evil: :twisted: :shock: it must go...hahaha
  5. D

    Fission nano skimmer for NC 24g ?

    dont get it, waste of money. doesnt work, puts out micro bubbles forever and never gets good skimmate.
  6. D

    Live Rock

    welcome to nanotank and i second cris's statement.
  7. D

    No one´s last pico

    yes indeed, very nice and definitly one of the best lookin picos. keep up the good work.
  8. D

    14g biocube

    looks good so far, really like the look of the black sand. keep up the good work.
  9. D

    Happy Birthday Edgray

    Happy Birthday Ed :birthday: :hbd: :partyt :bouncing:
  10. D

    Found new local reef store...

    wish more places where like that.......
  11. D

    ASM Mini-G

    yeah i cut some off to reduce flow but it still chops into micro bubbles. i cleaned my pump yesterday and counted the nipples again and i only cut off 8, sorry i never did the last nipping. planed on it but it works good enough for me. the nipple mod i heard from a local before he mesh modded...
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    ASM Mini-G

    I've been researching for mods because I hear so many people talking about moding the ASM's but it's hard to find any specifics. First time I've heard of either of these two. Have you thought about doing a mesh mod? I think I'll drill out my venturi as well. That's a great idea. Do you...
  13. D

    Ages? Occupation? Pics?

    any new members want to share a pic or two?
  14. D

    Christel Mei's 37 gal In wall mixed SPS/Zoa reef!

    i need a background like that(second to last pic) :mrgreen: hahahaha, where did you get it? J/K
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    ASM Mini-G

    i am currently using the ASM mini. i didnt like it at first, but after acouple slight mods it works awsome. my set up is a 30 breeder w/ 10gal sump. i went with the mini cause of its height, i needed one under 28 inches due to my stand being 30inches. the mods.....i drilled out the plastic where...
  16. D

    Jesse's 12g AP w/70 watt Sunpod

    looks good, cant wait to see it progress. ed really has some good stuff. congrats
  17. D

    my first nano tank

    usually a pound or more per gallon for both LR and LS.
  18. D

    Which 9-12G tank should I pick?

    Welcome to Nanotank :mrgreen:
  19. D

    Christel Mei's 37 gal In wall mixed SPS/Zoa reef!

    welcome to nanotank nice lookin tank, i really like how you can view it from both sides.
  20. D

    my first nano tank

    usually everyone uses LR for there biological filteration, by far better than the media given. LR and LS is the best filter you can have with nanotanks. they also take out the filter pad too. it can cause nitrate spikes if not cleaned often. its just easier to leave it out and do regular water...