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  1. D

    setting up a 2.5 gallon all glass tank need help ?

    welcome to nanotank 1. usually a pound per gallon but in your case probably one or two small pieces. 2. again one to two pounds per gallon 3. that filter will be fine. i wouldnt use the foam it comes with just the carbon. if you use the foam youll need to clean it good every week so you...
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    New logo, etc

    lookin good. :shock: :mrgreen:
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    Just bought 24Gal Nano Cube..!!

    the ceramic rings will cause nitrate blooms, so most reefers take them out. sorry i meant to say put the carbon back in and replace it every month or so. carbon will pull out most toxins that corals release and it will keep your water clear and smelling clean. the ROWA PHOS will be fine for now...
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    please help identify (red) plant/algae/whatever this is...

    looks like some sort of aglae or spunge. in the wild there are creatures that live off that stuff so its always in check. but in the aquarium thats not the case so you might have to physically remove it unless you find something to eat it.
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    general rule of thumb is a pound per gallon. some like more and some less. its all what prefer. i run about thirty five in my 24gallon cube and i havent had any nitrate problems. i also do bi weekly water changes, plus i target feed my tank so there isnt any waste. HTH. welcome to nanotank.
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    Just bought 24Gal Nano Cube..!!

    welcome to nanotank 1. youll want to pull the ceramic rings out and replace the carbon. IMO i just run LR rubble in the two chambers and carbon in with your heater and pump. i have been running this way for years and have had very good success. other ppl run it differently, no right or wrong...
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    Day 2 of first nano tank

    welcome to nanotank. well youll want to wait about three weeks for the cycle to finish before you can add anything. keeping your lights off during this period will keep algae growth to a minimal. if you dont have a test kit already, i would get one, and you can always get your LFS (local fish...
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    please help identify (red) plant/algae/whatever this is...

    cant really tell what it is, can you geta closer pic. maybe pulling some of it out of the tank and then taking a pic of it.
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    Jesse's 12g AP w/70 watt Sunpod

    nice frag you got there. the colors are amazing.
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    Protein skimmer set up.

    thats about right for a new skimmer. a really good skimmate (thats what the stuff in the collection cup is called) should be green, darker the better, and smell earthy. if you have very good water conditions then the skimate wont be green, but more clear. HTH
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    even if you pull it off the rock and scrub it. the roots are still deeply inbedded into the rock.
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    want to get rid of airstone

    run a skimmer. i run a aqua remora nano on my 24g nanocube.
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    i have had my JBJ ATO for over a year now and i would recommend it to everyone. one of my best investments.
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    youll want to get rid of that stuff ASAP, it can spread like wild fire. it also can be good if kept in an refugium, the down side is that it can go sexual (it bleachs out and dies) and leach everything it pulled out of your water back in. then your tank could crash. so in experience i just get...
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    what tests should i buy?

    i would buy either........ ... ndor~.html or ... catid=4452 or ... atid=14740\ all these are great starter test kits. after you advance in the hobby youll want to switch...
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    Green Bubble Algae !

    emerald crab for might have to try a few of them but they do work. it took me four times to find one that would eat them. the las time i bouhgt three small ones and have one left, hes the one that eats the bubbles. not one bubble in site. same goes with aiptasia, i had to force my...
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    Resun DMS 400T5

    nice lookin tank
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    my first nano tank

    the LR will speed up the cycling process, plus its the best biological filtration for your tank.
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    heres a recent pic of my nano

    its an amazing tank victoria, dont be overwhelmed be proud. :mrgreen:
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    My 10 gallon build.

    looks good so far.....keep up the good work.