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  1. J

    How to Ship a LionFish

    I have a LionFish that I wanted to Ship out... does anyone know how I should go about packing the lionfish so that it can be mailed out? Tips, advice and instructions are all welcomed. Thx in Advance! Jay :cool1:
  2. J

    Are your fish Compatible? - Marine Compatibility Chart

    I love this quick reference chart! I alway have a look at it b4 going to my LFS. Jay :cool1:
  3. J

    Enjuried Sea Star / Star Fish

    the two parts naturally seperated, and they are both moving around on their own... so wierd to see... Jay
  4. J

    Enjuried Sea Star / Star Fish

    Okay... I've got a Sand Sifting Starfish and I found it one day at the back of my tank stuck in a small play (it was upside-down, and bent in half). I managed to get it out of the spot but noticed that one of its arms were almost completely servered. The only thing that is keeping it attached...
  5. J

    White Tube thing??

    Hi Nano Gang! There is this white tube thing that has been growning in my FOWLR tank. it appears to be kinda spongey with some structure to it. It is just over an inch long now. You can't really see it's full size in the pics cause it is come out from a deep crack in the LR. It tends to...
  6. J

    A must-see tank...

  7. J

    Algae Burst!

    Thanks Nano Gang!
  8. J

    Algae Burst!

    it's just normal green algae, but all of my LR... can I pick up an invert that would take care of the problem? I 4got to mention... setup is about 1 1/2 old. (not sure if that makes a difference) thx, J
  9. J

    Algae Burst!

    Hello Nano Gang! I went away on a Business trip for the mth and returned home to see my setup with an algae burst. (Just when I thought I could trust family with my tank.) Turns out the light was left on for extended periods..... grrrr What can I do to get rid of it all? I have a...
  10. J

    Intro of New Lighting System to Hobby

    Hey Nano Gang, I came across this new light system that runs off of super power LEDS called Solaris I4 and Galileo. Sounds interesting... here's a link to the manufacture's site with more details. Link: Here's a quick run down on what it's claimed to do: -...
  11. J

    New here

    I have to agree with Trogdor! I myself was thinking of starting off with a 12 gallon nano, but after much research I decided to go with a 50 gallon tank. - It's much easier to take care of, and there is room to grow with it. - It's easier to hide equipment - Because you like the...
  12. J

    Q's on purchase 6gal Nanocube

    My advice would be to buy something new. I like to start off with new stuff to make sure you don't run into any surprises down the road. Like Trogdor said above, you can always get a tank of a similar size for $89.99, which I can't imagine being much more than what the used tank would cost...
  13. J

    Bluestripe Clownfish

    Hola Nano Gang! I currently have a 50 gallon tank with 2 True Percula Clowns. I wanted to know everyones take on adding one other clown, specificly a Bluestripe Clownfish. I've heard stories of how not mixing clowns and or that it should be done with caution. Would it be safe to go a head...
  14. J

    Wet/Dry Filters

    I'm interested in buying a Wet/Dry filter and was wondering if anyone had some general tips and/or pointers as to what I should look for.... Any kind of help would be great! Cheers, Jay
  15. J

    hmmm.... aiptasia or worm?

    A buddy of mine had some joe's juice and I gave it a shot. WOW, it works fast. And if you use it correctly, you don't even need much for it to work. Just stick the needle right into the pest and 'lightly' squirt the Joe's Juice into it. I'm going to try some of the other methods so time...
  16. J

    hmmm.... aiptasia or worm?

    Scrubbing the LR seems like a big job since I have so much LR. I'm going to try a little of everything that has been suggested. For the LR that can be removed and scrubbed easily, I'll be doing just that. For other areas pieces of LR, I'll have to use HOT water, Lime Slurry, and Joe's...
  17. J

    hmmm.... aiptasia or worm?

    Lime Slurry is not actually the juice of a Lime. It is a concentrated mixture of Lime Stone in a Liquified State also known as Limewater and kalkwasser (KW) - a ver strong calcium compound. Here are a few links, both have mention on eradication methods...
  18. J

    hmmm.... aiptasia or worm?

    The Kapenta Kid, You're right, the Joe's Juice could get pricey in the long run!! I have a feeling that it's going to be an up stream battle to get rid of this thing! I'll give the lime juice a shot and try to keep you posted. I don't think I'll ever know if it dies or not just because...
  19. J

    hmmm.... aiptasia or worm?

    That pic is one I found on the net, I can't seem to get a pic of the one I have because it's tucked away in a cave and only shows part of it's self from time to time. Attached is a pic of the cave I'm referring to. Because the pest in on the inside of the inner wall I can't see it's...
  20. J

    Some white tubes

    Rillidan, do the white tubes look anything like the below? Try doing a search with and maybe see if you can find a picture of what you have. here are a few links to help you out. (an image search for Feather Dusters - something good)...