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  1. skipm

    MH 14,000k/ 50/50 PC question...

    Do you mean run all of the lights or just the MH for 4 or 5 hours a day? I would run the MH for 6 hours a day with the PCs coming on and going off 1 1/2 to 2 hours before and after the MH. If the clam/corals have been under MH lighting then you may not need to do much acclimating but if they...
  2. skipm

    Order of ops...

    I believe that you mean 1-1 1/2 POUNDS of LS per gallon. I personally have 1 1/2 to 2 inches of LS in my Nanocubes with the 2 inches in the back and then tapering to 1 1/2 in the front. You may need a bit more if you plan on having fish that need to make burrows in a DSB but it isn't necessary...
  3. skipm

    3 gallon fuge

    If you wanted to drill the back of the 6 you could have a gravity overflow from it into the 3 and have a small powerhead in the 3 pumping water into the 6. What do you hope to accomplish with this refugium? More water? Nutrient export? Pod production? Knowing the answer to this will help make...
  4. skipm

    Customizing Finnex M-Tank!!

    It looks like you put alot of thought into this tank, looks good.
  5. skipm

    MH 14,000k/ 50/50 PC question...

    That should work out fine. The higher the k rating on a bulb the bluer it will look. Corals and clams need light energy to feed themselves, this energy is measured in PAR (photosynthetically available radiation). They don't really care what spectrum the lighti is in as long as they are...
  6. skipm

    Order of ops...

    I have a Hydor heater in my Nanocube 6, I have never used one before but decided to try one out since it was the right size and fairly inexpensive herte is a link to them: ... 004+113767 . So far it has worked out well. I have also used the Thermal...
  7. skipm

    help i need info on Griessingei Gobies!

    I agree with Sadie. If you hadn't posted on them I probably wouldn't have looked up anything on them, now I am considering getting one. Don't ever think that a question you ask and then decide not to follow through on is a waste of anyones time, this just shows that you are finding information...
  8. skipm

    Order of ops...

    Welcome to the board! There are several of us who have Nanocubes so you are in good company. I have both a NC6 and a 12DX. The 6 is a dedicated tank fors zoos and sexy shrimp currently and the 12 has a mixture including zoos, featherdusters, shrimp, fish, softies, and ricordia. I have an...
  9. skipm

    help i need info on Griessingei Gobies!

    I was able to find this link for you: ... CatId=1768 . One of my LFS has had one for awhile, it is a beautiful fish but tends to stays towards the rear of the tank hiding most of the time. The main drawback I see to this little guy is the cost. HTH, Skip
  10. skipm

    Bak pak 2r question...

    Thats pretty much it. As I remember the sponge has a small hole so that it fits around the end of the outflow pipe. Good luck, Skip
  11. skipm


    You also have some kind of problem with your nitrifying cycle, the nitrite reading should be zero. The diatoms are a normal part of a new tank and should go away soon. What kind of water do you use for top-off and making saltwater?
  12. skipm

    Random Shots of my 10 gallon Nano

    I am also a zoo nut so your pics made me wanta go zoo shopping!!!!! Very nice looking pics. Skip
  13. skipm

    Bak pak 2r question...

    Do you have the sponge attatched to the outflow pipe on the inside of the skimmer? It is supposed to catch the air bubbles before they get to your tank. As far as the skimmer going crazy whenever you disturb the tank this is caused by the surface tension of the water being changed, this can be...
  14. skipm

    Glass or Acrylic

    IMO it depends on what I want to do with the tank. Acrylic is alot easier to modify, I can drill it bond more acrylic to it, make bends in pieces if need be, etc. It is also a better choice for an uninsulated, drafty, or slightly chilly room because it is alot better insulator than glass. It...
  15. skipm

    Should a new sand bed be considerered when moving?

    The main time I think you may have a problem from disturbing an existing sandbed would be with a very deep sandbed. The average sandbed of a couple of inches or less should pose no problems in moving it other than the expect little duststorm. JMO, Skip PS I moved a 92 gallon corner tank...
  16. skipm


    Your off to a good start. Welcome to reeftank. I look forward to hearing more about your tank. Skip
  17. skipm

    blennies and gobies

    I have a Randalli in with my sexy shrimp and have had no problems at all. The pistol doesn't go far from his burrow and the sexies mainly hang around perched on some coral. Another goby to consider would be the hi finned red banded goby (Stonogobiops xanthorhinica) which also pairs up with the...
  18. skipm


    Thanks for the link. I bought one of the $30 skimmers you refer to (I found it for $20 though) just to see how it was made and exactly how well it works. I have to say it work great and would be easy to fabricate with a few acrylic fabricating skills. I have been using one of the Hydor units...
  19. skipm

    5.5 gallon bad luck & tank crash

    Sorry to hear about your run of bad luck. I hope everything else makes it through the ordeal. Skip
  20. skipm

    MB7 update

    I am glad that in the end they did what was right and should have been done from the beginning. Thank you for updating. Skip