Search results

  1. skipm

    Storing mixed saltwater and keeping it fresh

    You definately need to aerate the water before using it, I like to aerate for at least an hour or two before adding it to any of my tanks. HTH, Skip
  2. skipm

    Filtering a 2.5

    I have seen alot of people use the Palm filter (I think its made by Azoo), it has a flowrate of 16 gph so it shouldn't make too much current in your tank. HTH, Skip
  3. skipm

    Picture of Tank

    I think the name of the tank you are looking for is a "Melody" tank.
  4. skipm


    I would wait until the LR is added so the bacteria will have more places to attatch themselves. Plus any dieoff from the LR would feed the bacteria. JMO, Skip
  5. skipm

    Upgraded pump for a nanocube

    I currently have a Hydor Flo Rotating Deflector on my return by itself (here is a link to the deflector if you are not familiar with this product: ... 004+113039 ). I used to have it on a T fitting with the deflector pointing out straight and a flare...
  6. skipm

    SPS tank, LPS tank, Pico Tank...

    I akways look forward to your posting more pics. They all look very nice. Thank you.
  7. skipm

    Electric Orange?

    I found another link, this time for an electric orange hermit: ... CatId=1638 . Good luck, Skip
  8. skipm

    my newly set up 2.5

    Nice little nano.
  9. skipm

    Electric Orange?

    I am not familiar with an electric orange hermit (the problem with so many common names for the same thing) but if it is the same as a halloween hermit here is a link with more information about them including a pic. HTH, Skip Link: ... 75-C-.aspx
  10. skipm

    10G filtration question

    If its the full width of the tank then I would think its going to be enough flow to prevent any dead areas. It won't hurt to check but I think you should be fine w/o the powerhead. Good luck, Skip
  11. skipm

    10G filtration question

    That will depend on its placement and how much flow you need to prevent dead spots in your tank. After you put it on the tank add some flake and see if it settles right to the bottom anyplace, if it does then that area could use more flow and you may still need the powerhead or you might just...
  12. skipm

    Pin Cushion?

    Try to find a pic of a long polyped sacrophyton and see if thats it. HTH, Skip
  13. skipm

    March Photo Contest - Vote for the winner

    The number 2 pic is mine. The red feather duster really shows up alot better in person (I am not the best photographer either). I just entered it to show the feather, I have never seen anything like it before and wanted to share the pic. Skip
  14. skipm

    Oh my god !!! Check this out !!!

    That is a neat April Fools day prank. Thanks Mike.
  15. skipm

    Upgraded pump for a nanocube

    Now that the pump has been running for a couple of days all I can say is that it rocks! It fits in the pump area just fine (it sits slightly twisted due to the way its built). The current is great, I have the return routed through a Hydor Deflector and I am impressed with the random current...
  16. skipm

    Upgraded pump for a nanocube

    Hi all, I just tried a pump that I haven't heard of anyone using to upgrade my nanocube. I wanted more flow than I was getting from the MiniJet 606 and didn't like the flow I got when I added a second powerhead. I began toying with the idea of trying a MaxiJet when I remembered that I bought...
  17. skipm

    My ten gallon nano.

    Ghostbear29, He may not have had the 96 watt powerquad, I have seen 20" fixtures that were 18 watts or a pair of 18s. A 70 watt MH is quite a bit of light for a 10 gallon tank, he will be able to keep about anything he would ever want in that tank with size being his only restriction. Plus...