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    12 gallon Nano Cube Refugium w/light...

    DJ, That is the same amount of live sand from when I first started the tank last year in March. It probably appears more because of the picture.... You'll have to see the tank when I take my shots of it completed.. Mike
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    For macro pics, which you'll do a lot I would recommend the camera Incysor uses. It's the best I've seen on many sites. I think it's an Olympus line, you'll have to ask him. Mike
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    12 gallon Nano Cube Refugium w/light...

    Hi Dragon, Sorry about the loss of your gum drop. It's true they are very inactive fish. But mine grew on me and I would be very sad if he died. I too lost something over the weekend, my anenome shrimp. When I transferred him back to the main tank he had lost a claw due to some fighting...
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    12 gallon Nano Cube Refugium w/light...

    Okay reefers, I've purchased my macro algae and my digital timer to set up my 13 watt daylight on reverse daylight operation. My main tank lights work from 8am to 6pm. Then at 9pm the refuge light kicks in and turns off at 3am. I've also placed my Rio 90 pump in chamber 1 to force...
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    Help Please!!!!

    Steve, Thanks for you concern, you are right my fish are experiencing the effects of Ammonia and Nitrite. I rushed over to my LFS and purchased Bio-Spira. I rushed back and read the instructions. I am to shut off any protein skimmer and uv light. And I'm also to stop any medication...
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    Help Please!!!!

    Incysor, I just did my Ammonia test with Salifert. I have 1.5 mg/L. What should I do? Should I purchase the bio-spira? My nitrite reads .25 ppm. Wow, I need some input here guys. Mike p.s I have two fish in the tank, yellow citron goby breathes heavy but is swimming around...
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    picked up additions...

    Hey dragon, I like the demonstration of how you drip line your fish. I've never done that but should get in the routine of doing it. Doesn't look to hard. So have you aquascped you new pico, if yes I'd like to see some pics. Mike
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    whats this?

    Hi nanoangel, That doesn't look like a flatworm, I think. It looks more like a type of slug without it's shell. Flatworms are bad because they start to multiply and thats when you get the problems. Flatworms look a lot smaller too. As far as the green bush, it looks like it's being...
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    12 gallon Nano Cube Refugium w/light...

    Hey Reefers, As most of you know, my replacement tank came in. I've decided to go refugium in the back like my brother did. Because I'm re-doing the tank, I will be documenting all my progress on film for you guys to ask questions and give me advice. Here are the first set of...
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    Help Please!!!!

    Looks like my tank is clearing up a ten fold. It's not crystal clear, but it's getting there. I've been running my HOT filter on the tank non-stop. Mike
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    My little 3 gal eclipse

    It's really nice seing the eclipse set up as a nano, they are one of the first to get the Nano up and going back when they brought out the six and 12 gallon. MIke
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    Help Please!!!!

    Brian, The HOT magnum can only house one at a time. I have both, the micron is really good a purifying the water with particular stuff and the carbon for making it crystal clear, I just got confused when you said you run both at the same time. Mike
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    Help Please!!!!

    Mr Dragon, The only one that can bust balls on this site, is Phishcy. And you are no phishcy,, last time I checked you still have the same avatar and if you are going to take phischys sayings, you need to borrow his avator of the little kid drinking beer... hehe Take it or leave it, Mike...
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    Help Please!!!!

    Brian, How do you run both mediums at the same time? Wish I did have a hang over protein skimmer but I don't. I spoke to my brothers friend, he told me don't jump the gun, you might have a small amount of nitrite jump but probably not ammonia since the rock is semi cured not dead or...
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    Help Please!!!!

    Thanks for the insight exile, I do have an emergency tank, it's only 2.5 gallons and it will get crowded rather quickly, so I need another plan. Will the bio-spira work? Mike
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    Help Please!!!!

    Incysor, Is the uncured rock dangerous, I place 3.5 pounds of rubble, it smelled fresh and looked nice. Will the bio-spira help against a spike? Is the cloudiness particulate matter or ammonia? Brian, about turning off the return pump, I can do that, sounds like a good idea but should...
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    Help Please!!!!

    Okay, So after reading Dragons post, that he experienced no cloudiness in his tank and that his rubble was cycled, I call my LFS immediately. The owners says, you bought uncured rubble, oh no!!! He said he does sell rubble from his main tank but I thought I had puchased the right bag. It...
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    Help Please!!!!

    Hey Reefers, I need your help. Okay, let me start. I don't know if you guys know, but my replacement tank came in. So I transeferred all my items from tank 1 to tank 2. But I made a modification to my new tank. I purchased a stronger pump just like Dragons, Mini Jet 606 MN 159 gph. I...
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    Tru Vu 3.5 Nano...

    Hey Gang, Thanks for the compliments on my nano. I fell in love with this tank when I saw it all decked out at one of my LFS. I purchased the tank, which is made of acrylic and added: EBO jagger 50 watt heater, 50/50 18 watt coralite, live sand and the live rock you see. I waited about 2...
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    That air hose thingy on power filters/submersible pumps.

    The tubing of the powerheads is old school. Mike