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    Pirate's Reef

    Just as you suspected there is no hiding the facts LOL :ha:
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    flatworm exit - some random thoughts and observations

    Oh John I am so sorry I wish that I could turn the clock back for you as you had/have such beautiful specimines in ALL your tanks :cry: tho I guess you are right in some respects that it could have been worse but it sucks just the same for you :cry:
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    MH in small spaces... 3 inches over water

    that may warrant a phone call to them to speak to Chris to see what they did to keep it melt safe :mrgreen:
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    ~*~ HeLp Me Out PLz! ~*~

    usually with time they will spread if they are healthy and do so on their own :mrgreen: corals will not spread if something is off so have him check his levels what are his perameters lighting spg ammonia nitrAte nitrIte ph calcium :mrgreen:
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    flatworm exit - some random thoughts and observations

    sorry to hear of your loss john would doing a dip been any better just curious on your thoughts as our stores have big flat worm problems so I have not bought anything from them at all
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    MH in small spaces... 3 inches over water

    I wouldnt go that low and I am not sure that it would work well in a nanocube perhaps reefman23 can tell you where he found it also he did a write up on it in the lighting section to my knowledge it will still melt with it being plastic HTH :mrgreen:
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    Pirate's Reef

    you found a bunch of nuts :banadance: :ha:
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    7gmb new pictures (updated pic 4-30-06)

    jealous of what? I have nothing to be jealous of . I have seen your tank :mrgreen:
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    5.5 CANOPY

    That turned out beautifully job well done :mrgreen:
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    Pirate's Reef

    wow that is a neat site thanks :shock: I just printed my material list with 1/4 inch glass our glass shop does alot of cuts for custom tanks they even made one but used the wrong silicone and killed the guys reef this happed about 5 years ago before I got back into tanks and into salt...
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    Pirate's Reef

    Pirate Thanks for the vote of confidence I think that I may try this , I am looking into doing this as a 7 gallon tank so that I can retro all my hardware to fit this way I dont have to buy all new equipment , I will be calling the local glass shop and have the LPS order me some aquarium...
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    7gmb new pictures (updated pic 4-30-06)

    Ed currently there are no open zoas from the last shippment I am still keeping fingers crossed but I just dont know :mrgreen: Thanks for the compliment Ed :mrgreen:
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    new pics

    My GSM lasted 6 months in a 7 gallon before I said that he was too big so you will have a bit of time :mrgreen:
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    nanocube questions?

    The few peices that went through will not harm your tank....cant help you on the pump sorry :mrgreen:
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    candy cane not opening

    glad to see that he is opening now :mrgreen:
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    ~*~ HeLp Me Out PLz! ~*~

    naw just patients just patients some folks us a table shrimp for that found at the local grocers but you have plenty to do that for you . The only thing for you to do now is hurry up and wait :mrgreen:
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    Pirate's Reef

    :eatdr :ha: how many pill you recon you will need for that
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    Pirate's Reef

    not enough starbucks dickie :ha:
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    nanocube questions?

    If you already rinsed it you should be ok fill up a dish of water and agitate it then a quick rinse with the hose on the kitchen sink should do it . I did not think you already tried rinsing it you will never get all the "extra junk" out of it you mainly want the extra dust out :mrgreen:
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    ~*~ HeLp Me Out PLz! ~*~

    You will still have a long cycle since the rock is not cured this probably wont make a diffrence as there will still be die off :-)