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  1. J

    my new 46 gal bow front

    Very nice upgrade Aaron! :D Are you planning on painting the back glass? Keep the progress pictures coming please :cool1:
  2. J

    150w Hamilton Reefstar

    Have you ran into any heat issues Brandon?
  3. J

    Limp coral

    If you didn't acclimate your coral to your water parameters, just matched the temp, this the coral is probably extremely stressed. The link that Kid posted is a very good one, print it if you need to. If what you have is a finger leather, it isn't all that uncommon for them to 'slump over'...
  4. J

    Zoa/Paly Frag tank begins....

    Very nice!!!! :mrgreen:
  5. J

    Yellow Spaghetti Worms??

    I've seen them in quiet a few colors, even banded.
  6. J

    Sick Mushroom

    When you ran through the tests, did you do a PH test?
  7. J

    Sick Mushroom

    How soon did this happen after you dosed with Phytoplankton?
  8. J

    Breaking Frogspawn

    Are you refering to another head without any tissue on it? If it hasn't been 'dead' long, then I'd leave it.
  9. J

    Crazy Laws!

    Now I know that there are still some wierd ones on the books, so I'm thinking that these might be a few! :lol3: Check out
  10. J

    Corals at Ocean's Floor

    It is always a pleasure to view your pictures! :mrgreen:
  11. J

    Can you say ice? You HAVE to see this..

    Wow, what a mess!
  12. J

    Just some pics

    Very nice pictures! :mrgreen:
  13. J

    Total beginner, need help.

    There are alot of beginner fish to choose from: clowns, gobys, damsels, etc. Surf the net and if something catches your fancy, research the particular fish and see if it is within your tank range, that is the best way to do it. The last thing you want to do is to get a fish while it is small...
  14. J

    Chad's 2gal bulletproof zen tank

    That looks freakish Jesse! :shock:
  15. J

    Total beginner, need help.

    I'd nix the cowfish due to their level care and caution, here is some basic info to read up on ... tid=65&N=0 ... tid=68&N=0 HTH :mrgreen:
  16. J


    I would think that an eel of this size potential would need a larger tank than a 60. Here is another source that relates to this. What size tank is he in now? ... efault.htm This will prevent you from thinking of petting one again! :lol3...
  17. J


    Looks so purdy, you almost want to pet them! :roll:
  18. J

    Chad's 2gal bulletproof zen tank

    Looks like you have everything covered! :mrgreen:
  19. J

    nano7joy's Lil 7galon minibow

    :welcome to Nanotank! Wow, what a shroom! Very nice tank, love the way the shroom steals the spotlight! :mrgreen: