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    Need a replacement PC ballast?? Perfect for nanocubes!! $3?!

    Nice Jesse!! So now that the ballasts are figured out...must find cheaper bulbs!
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    aquemeni's 3G Nano

    Sweet, it looks great The macro really makes the tank look good
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    Night LEDs and Daytime Lights Question

    There is a way. Go to nanocustoms and buy their LED light fix for the nanocube
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    Happy New Year!

    Happy new year to ya guys Have fun and stay safe =D
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    manderin goby is it true?

    Well, some of it is true. Mandarin gobies are very very picky eaters and need a very mature tank and ALOT of copepods. Most people keep only 1 mandarin goby in a 100g tank with ALOT of live rock (alot meaning at least 100 pounds for the copepods to breed). If these conditions are met, then...
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    Merry Christmas

    Merry christmas and a happy new year to everyone =D
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    aint no such thing as pro :D everyone on this board is awesome, especially the mods and ed :D
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    How does my nano grow?

    Sweet tank! those sps are amazing!
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    Another Lighting Q??

    Well, if theres a will, theres a way. But from what i heard from my friend that sells zoas and stuff, he says that PC actinics look better than t5 actinics. Just an opinion Brandon
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    Is a skimmer needed for zoas/palys

    To answer your question, a skimmer is not needed for zoas. I have high current in my nanocube, (3 powerheads) and the zoas are just fine I dont target feed often at all, maybe once a month, and if i do, its with phytoplankton
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    My 32g Reef

    Welcome to Nanotank! Great looking tank and sweet shots!! :D Is that a green toadstool?!?! im jealous! :mrgreen:
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    71raw 12g aquapod!

    im not sure what the chance of that happening are but there have been cases where a false perc has paired up with a maroon clown, so it should be possible
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    71raw 12g aquapod!

    Nice tank, really cool aquascaping :D is that a heliofungia? (long tentecle plate coral) it looks pretty awesome and i do believe that theclown fish is a false percula, i think true percs have more defined black lines
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    Anyone have experience with Danea??

    i would not recommend SPS yet, they are pretty difficult to keep trying keeping your tank stable
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    Nc 12 Dx Start date 17/ 08/06 - First SW :D

    When my fish had ich, i tried not to stress them out. I made sure they were eating and added some garlic supplements. Make sure he isnt doing too bad, if he is, then i would QT and do a hypo treatment on the poor guy. Good luck, ich is hard.... Brandon
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    Anyone have experience with Danea??

    Danea? As in montipora Danae? or am i off?
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    who else is stressed?

    WEEEEEEEEE im so stressed right now, got to do my college apps and the essay for it!! I have to write my government bill!!! So much makeup work for school!! im stressing!! are you? :help: Edit: Sorry for the rant guys!!
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    Feather Duster Problems

    Still trying to work on it! Late nights till deadline i say! :sad: but after that, im all set! :lol:
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    Feather Duster Problems

    I had a feather duster that was really sad and stressed. It shed his crown eventually and i was pretty freakout out. About 2 weeks later of not messing around with my tank, just water chagnes, it started regrowing a new crown. that was about a month ago. It is growing bigger everyday. I...
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    my 125

    WOW, those sps look amazing! i really love the monti caps :D