Search results

  1. skipm

    Journal for new canopy to house MH retro...

    I think it would be okay to mount the ballasts on the rear of the canopy, you would have to rig a 4 corner harness for hanging though to keep the canopy level. You could also check at an electronic supply place like Radio Shack and see if you can find a vented enclosure for the ballasts and...
  2. skipm

    2005 Fall Contest - Vote for the winner

    Would it be wrong to ask to have all of the pics posted with the submitting members name next to them? As I already said it was a tough decisionand I think all of the member should get credit for their pics.
  3. skipm

    Encrusting coral

    There are also things like encrusting briarium that is not an SPS so like I already mentioned we need more info or at least a pic.
  4. skipm

    Encrusting coral

    Can you supply a pic? Without more to go on I have no idea about the requirements for your coral. Skip
  5. skipm

    What the hell is going on ??

    That is a great link Incysor, I just bought the same fixture for a 10 I am setting up from a fellow club member. Sadie, I personally got the "adjustable" legs for mine, the main difference is the regular legs just hold the light above the tank where the adjustable legs also allow the light to...
  6. skipm

    2005 Fall Contest - Vote for the winner

    Congratulations Steven, you pic was the one I voted for and I have to say I did have trouble deciding which one this time around to vote for. Do you think you will do a themed tank with the new NC6? Skip
  7. skipm

    See...I do it too.

    Those pics are great, I don't think that I would expect any better pics in an invert book. Have you found any signs that he molted since you have had him? Just curious, Skip
  8. skipm

    Are my Oscellaris likely to jump?

    Travis, They can only change once and that is from male to female. Once they are female that is it.
  9. skipm

    Fish for a small Nano tank

    A small fish would be possible but I am not sure I would try it in a tank below 2 gallons. I would look more at an invert, something like a halloween hermit, a porcelin crab, a sexy shrimp, or some other small interesting invert like that. IMO the invert would be better suited to the smaller...
  10. skipm

    Where are the pics Erik?
  11. skipm

    2005 Fall Contest - Vote for the winner

    The only other thing that I think would work would be for everyone to just post their vote with an explanation as to why they voted the way they did, this would kinda personalize each vote but it would also take away the anonymity as wsell from the votes. It would be so much easier if everyone...
  12. skipm

    What filtration would you prefer...?

    You could always add some mechanical filtration in the hang on for a day or two as needed. I also like to use Chemipure in my nanos.
  13. skipm


    You should raise the temp back up to normal slowly so you don't shock anything and everything should recover just fine. You may also want to consider using a turkey baster to blow the zoos off. Good luck, Skip
  14. skipm

    Day after Turkey day sale purchase...

    Mike its fairly easy to see that you and Steven are brothers the way he likes to rib you. I have never tried to keep an open brain before but from this thread I have learned enough to feel comfortable in doing so if the desire ever arises. Keep all of the good info coming. Skip
  15. skipm

    Heres a few new pics.

    Thanks for the advice on the cameras. I have a Kodak Easyshare LS443 and it takes great pics but it sucks at macros. I can't complain too much though, I bought it without knowing a thing about digi-cams.
  16. skipm

    2005 Fall Contest - Vote for the winner

    I like Sadies suggestion, have a minimum number of posts and length of time as a member before being allowed to vote in a contest. I wouldn't want to make it too bad but something like either a 30 or 60 day wait before voting I don't feel would be that big of a deal. I am not sure about the...
  17. skipm

    Starter needs help for seahorse.

    Here is a link to somebasic seahorse keeping information: ... Info.shtml And here is a link to the library on where you can find many useful articles: There are quite few very experienced...
  18. skipm

    2 Gallon NZ Reef

    I really like your tank, base, and canopy. It looks like your tank is off to a great start. Skip
  19. skipm


    The only way I see that one MAY work would be if thew bottom could be drilled. That way you could use a sump for o2 exchange and have the return lines replace the need for powerheads. IMO it would be pretty costly and unless you just wanted to do it, just too big of a project to be worth the...
  20. skipm

    Metal Halide for 25 gallon??

    elklown :welcome to nanotank! I also would recommend a 150 watt DE HQI pendant, you would get alot of good light from a fixture like that without going overkill IMO. Skip