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  1. skipm

    When is the next chat going to be?

    Remember the chat is set for tomorrow night at 7 pst. Hope to see everyone there. Skip
  2. skipm

    Journal for new canopy to house MH retro...

    Ther are LEDs available with different angles of spread but they are none that I know of that are like a floodlight with a broad angled light spread.
  3. skipm

    2005 Fall Contest - Vote for the winner

    I'm so sorry to hear about their passing. I am a seahorse lover myself but I am unable to keep them due to my job schedule (I am gone for 24 hours at a time). I hope everything else made the move alright. Skip
  4. skipm

    My 20gl nano

    It looks very nice. What are some of the details like lighting, age, filtration, etc. Skip
  5. skipm

    Setting up a small Nano Tank

    If you recheck the specs on the one I listed you will find that it is rated for 39.6 - 79.2 US gal./h, also check the dimensions and you will find the one I listed is very small which is very important when you only have a few gallons to work with. Another powerhead that I didn't look for a...
  6. skipm

    Digi-lab Digital Handheld Tester

    The company I got mine from someone linked in an earlier post on this thread, I didn't have any problems getting mine. I did look at their feedback and all of the negatives they had up to that point had something to do with blood alcohol testers and most of the complaints were about the quality...
  7. skipm

    Digi-lab Digital Handheld Tester

    Thats where I got mine. I guess I'll just make a conversion chart to go in my box. I guess thats the price of saving some money. Thanks for the reply, Skip
  8. skipm

    Digi-lab Digital Handheld Tester

    Here is the insert that was with it along with the directions. As previously stated the directions do not say anything about switching between F and C. If you will look below where it says 3 in 1 it says that it reads both F and C. Thanks for any help anyone can offer. Skip
  9. skipm

    Digi-lab Digital Handheld Tester

    The Digilabs backside (notice there is no model or serial number here)
  10. skipm

    Digi-lab Digital Handheld Tester

    The Digilab front
  11. skipm

    Digi-lab Digital Handheld Tester

    Here is a pic of the box
  12. skipm

    My 15g long

    Looks very nice. I like the way it looks like it is full but there is still a bit of room to add something else, sometimes it seems like there are big holes that need filling. Skip
  13. skipm


    I am happy to hear that things are starting to look up for you.
  14. skipm

    Is this skimmer too BIG??

    I think it would be way overkill. It takes a pump of 650-900 gph just to supply the skimmer, a pump that size may cause heating issues and the skimmer will definately destroy any planktonic life in the water by overskimming. It is a great price that you mention but IMO its just not suitable...
  15. skipm

    semi dumb question

    Here is a couple of pics to see the difference. Ocellaris: ... lowns.html . True Percula: ... lowns.html .
  16. skipm

    semi dumb question

    A true percula is an A. Percula while the false perc. is an A. Ocellaris. They have very similar markings but true perculas tend to be darker IME. Ocellaris clowns also seem to be alot more common and also seem to be more commonly captive bred. HTH, Skip
  17. skipm

    will an anenome

    Sorry to hear about your loss. I have to agree that if it got in the reach of the anenome it was made into dinner. Chromis don't seem to act right to me unless they are in a group of at least six, smaller numbers just seem like they are lost.
  18. skipm

    Setting up a small Nano Tank

    You may or may not need a powerhead depending on how you LR is arranged, where you place you filter, etc. If you were to add a powerhead here is a link for one that would work well, it has a small footprint and an adjustable flowrate: ... unze_pumps ...
  19. skipm

    New Setup - AGA 75 Gallon Pre-Drilled

    I do have quite a few tanks. I also have a 20 hex that is set up freshwater with several tetras in it, I am thinking about changing that tank out for either a 20 high or a 30 gallon that I have laying around. I am considering taking one or both of the large tanks down though, the nanos are so...
  20. skipm

    death of my cleaner shrimp

    Cleaner shrimp are hermaphroditic so any two of them will make a pair. It sounds to me like old age was the culprit but it doesn't make the loss any easier. Sorry for your loss, Skip