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  1. S

    Sticking Live Rock To Back Wall?

    you could try a silicone or epoxy to attach it or better yet some egg crate cut to size and make shelfs to hold the live rock this would cover in time with corals and placements :mrgreen:
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    Quick question???

    I agree Finnex hands down I use em on the 7gmb and on the 2.5 tanks just set 2 degrees lower because they heat up quick :mrgreen: ... cts_id=182
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    Happy birthday Dickie

    Happy Birthday Dickie May your day be special, :birthday: :hb2: :group :carn :hbd:
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    12g Nano Tank (updated 4/15 with Pics)

    Organ pipe is classed as an advanced coral they requre good light h20 and current , they are one of the hard corals out there as for the zoa nice , candy canes are some of the best beginer corals a John said ....Just watch the torch has a potent sting to it :mrgreen:
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    New to the page. Here's my 4 gallon.

    Rip Nice find hope you have better luck with em than I did :mrgreen:
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    Bubble gum pico

    I just got a 2 part epoxy at walmart in the craft dept its called "acrylic water" it is 5 bucks for the mix , it is in a green box I have been working on revamping it and getting equipment for it so far it is up but not yet functional ...... :mrgreen: I tried the MH but the lid wouldnt close...
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    flatworm exit - some random thoughts and observations

    John I hope that you can finally get this under controll and get back to enjoying your tanks again :mrgreen:
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    My grades came in!

    Bravo I think that that is a great report card :partyt :clapping:
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    Three Stripe Damsel

    We have two fire fishies and they come out , quite a abit how ever if spooked they retreat to their hidey hole and they tend to be jumpers too :mrgreen:
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    96w for BTA

    I would just recomend waiting it out a bit as your tank is to new to house a RBA .. give it a bit of time likely around 6 mos -1year ... Others opinions may very on that , the other thiing to watch is that in a 10 gallon if it dies it can nuke the tank and can out grow the tank rather quickly ...
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    Nassarius lays eggs in tank.

    BUMP this is a good one for Jennie she has em in her tank :mrgreen:
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    Very new newbie

    I would not recommend tap water to many things that they add to it like chlorine , and flouride , I use distilled from walmart purple cap purple label .60 cents a gallon . I would recommend a power head for mixing . I airate the water 24 hours and then add the salt and mix the salt 24 hours I...
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    OMG! - Let's Help Jennie - See Inside!

    one of em lives 20 minutes south of me never did like the show :mrgreen:
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    Water Changes

    you may not see anything or the water may cloud up . The real tell tale is when your perameters star showing up. Ammonia will spike Ammonia will go to 0ppm NitrItes will spike NitrItes will go to 0ppm NitrAtes will rise NitrAtes will drop often not to zero but you want to keep them low...
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    Water Changes

    the tote bins that I have are used for storing things in like stuffed animals clothes ect .....they are plastic so they hold the water quite well and have a lid that when not in use you can put the lid on to keep it clean ... here is a link to them you will say yes I have seen em :mrgreen...
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    Here we go starting my first nano... *LOOK*

    Island just remember you are doing FINE takes time I am still working out the kinks on my system ......I have to say that it looks like you are starting to learn the ins and outs and very well I might add.....I like your frag tank the way you have it set up is very nice indeed :mrgreen:
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    Water Changes

    I mix mine in a tote bin with power heads I mix the water for 24 hours then add salt and mix for an addtional 24 for a total of 48 hours ....then bottle it to prevent evap ......when I am ready to use it I use an air stone and airate anywhere from 2 -24 hours before use the temp is room temp...
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    Here we go starting my first nano... *LOOK*

    Very nicely set up looking great I am first inline for frags :mrgreen:
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    7gmb new pictures (updated pic 4-30-06)

    John feel free to ask I will help if I can they are a fun addition to any tank that is for sure :mrgreen: Rip :oops: thanks
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    UV what do you reefers think?

    Rmanecke I believe that is Mikes auto top off container I may be wrong tho :mrgreen: