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  1. TimSchmidt

    upgrade delays

    Well honestly the natural processes that happen in photosynthesis can help establish a mature tank. I honestly don't know how hardy those duncans are though. From what my friends let me know they aren't too picky. Has there been any algae bloom yet?
  2. TimSchmidt

    fitting a Boyu WG-308 Protein Skimmer into a tl450

    Some people run carbon or phosphate remover (not needed, but if you want to research the pros and cons they might be useful)
  3. TimSchmidt

    advice on skimmer please

    Only thing I would add is to check for ammonia and nitrite (if you are going through a cycle then you will have these in a detectable amount and this is probably the cause of death). I don't know about the skimmer as I've not had this tank or known anyone who has. However if there is an air...
  4. TimSchmidt

    Help with Feather Dusters?

    ^ +1 Just keep a clean tank and let time do its thing. :welcome to!
  5. TimSchmidt

    Finally put my tank together...

    Sometimes things happen. It will just depend on what the company does to correct the issue. That's why I choose to sometimes pay a bit more for a more popular brand name just in case life happens, their reputation is on the line and they generally stand behind their product.
  6. TimSchmidt


    My 90 gallon was kept at 82 and it did OK. I am now running my 29 gallon at 77-78 and I am noticing an improved reaction from my corals (including my frogspawns, bubble coral, and hammer corals). So for my corals they seemed to like the cooler temperatures.
  7. TimSchmidt

    24 gal D-D Nano

    Very nice mix and colors! (the picture titles are nice too!)
  8. TimSchmidt

    scottyreef's Custom CADlights 22g

    :) So when is the frag swap! :lol: Very nics shots! :welcome to!
  9. TimSchmidt


    I use the sponges just to scrub debris out of the water. For the lighting I personally believe that giving a small period of dark with benefit the photosynthesis process. (one of the classes I took was botany and this was one of the things I remember) I have seen and heard of both approaches...
  10. TimSchmidt

    24 g fish stocking question

    ^ +1 on gramma. I've not had one, but most things I've heard state they are quite aggressive. The firefish I've had (red firefish) were more aggressive with their own kind than with other fish.
  11. TimSchmidt

    Finally put my tank together...

    It's definitely nice to get together with a fellow reefer or three once in a while to at least sit back and chat fish.
  12. TimSchmidt

    Got my tank and stand!

    Using photobucket is the easiest for posting pictures. After uploading in photobucket just copy and paste the IMG coding that appears under the picture when you move your mouse over the picture.
  13. TimSchmidt

    TMC Vecton UV Steriliser Nano

    I've never ran a UV filter. But I have heard that contact time with the light is an important feature to look for.
  14. TimSchmidt

    Finally put my tank together...

    Ouch. Take all the lessons in stride and try again, but with a wiser out take. I don't mean to harp on this but I'm *thinking* the water quality is the main culprit. Have you ran a full test on your water your using for the tank (both rain and NSW)?
  15. TimSchmidt

    starting a new 20L

  16. TimSchmidt

    true, hosting again....

    Very cool! My ocellaris clowns didn't host in anything. Happy fish, but no hosting.
  17. TimSchmidt

    Finally put my tank together...

    That looks like cyano bacteria. I feel for you but try to keep at the water changes and maintenance of the tank. For all the preparation sometimes things are just bound to happen. How you react will matter most. Clean water, increased flow, reduced feedings, and constant water changes (not...
  18. TimSchmidt

    Newb First Post (Alas, a sad one)

    :welcome to! Sorry to hear about your loss, but fast breathing can be caused by a couple things. Normally inverts are more sensitive than fish so I can't really help you with what exactly happened. Was the fish *dusty* looking? If so could have been velvet disease. Your...
  19. TimSchmidt

    Got my tank and stand!

    That is indeed a good first step. How much are you looking to put into the tank rock wise? (I still love the color mix in your tank Allen!)
  20. TimSchmidt

    CPR HOB Aquafuge...

    Never used one. I have always been interested as the water fall back into the tank and should be nice for natural food (pods and such).