Search results

  1. TimSchmidt

    tap water

    I would strongly suggest not using tap water, but we had a nice debate in the of the other forums. basically run a full set of tests on your water. IF you come out OK then you MIGHT be able to have a successful tank (there are things that we don't test for that could be in tap water)...
  2. TimSchmidt

    (JbJ Nano cube HQI) or (Redsea Max)?

    I have the HQI and heat can be a factor. I have a chiller so I don't worry about it, but I have great color and growth in the nano cube. I almost went the Redsea max route, but I really wanted HQI for the look (I like the MH glimmer).
  3. TimSchmidt

    Lights for 2.5 gallon

    I wouldn't use bio balls, I would go to a LFS and buy the cheapest liver rock rubble I could find (in my area 1.99 a pound for the rubble). For the equipment I mean heaters, protien skimmers, media reactors, UV sterilizers, and so on. Even if you don't initially plan on using any reactors or...
  4. TimSchmidt

    New To Corals - Mushroom Coral Exuding Slime

    It is probably expelling the zoanthellea (my spelling is horrible). Stressed and I actually would run a full set of tests of my water before saying it's ok to wait it out.
  5. TimSchmidt

    How to Ship a LionFish

  6. TimSchmidt

    The Best saltwater Fish store in NC!!!

    Nice to see a positive light of the LFS.
  7. TimSchmidt

    Got my tank and stand!

    I would get all of the little ones stalk. You don't need ALL the big stalk but a decent chunk to either putty or wedge elsewhere.
  8. TimSchmidt

    My new 50 litre Nano

    I'd toss a kilo or two more of rock in there if it were my 50l tank. Look for rocks you like and can house corals or provide nooks for fish to swim in and out of. is probably one of the easiest sites to use for pasting images. But Geoff already said that. :lol:
  9. TimSchmidt

    My First Marine Tank 15G

    Nope. Well this isn't exactly the cheapest hobby out there. But there are ways to keep costs down. Local reef clubs are a great way to share expenses and buy/sell used equipment.
  10. TimSchmidt

    40g Custom Rimless Reef Build

    Which bulb are you using now?
  11. TimSchmidt

    My First Marine Tank 15G

    I would be happier to see a pair in something closer to 20g, but I have seen a clown pair and anemone in a 10g. If you go this route make sure you read up on the care and maintenance of clowns and anemone to increase your chance of success. Anemones are finicky creatures. It's not impossible...
  12. TimSchmidt

    Finally put my tank together...

    Could be. Keep up what you are doing and you will get the results you want. Won't be quick but if it was easy then we wouldn't do it would we. :twisted:
  13. TimSchmidt

    water clearity

    pH buffer? May be due to that (the clouding probably isn't anything to worry about).
  14. TimSchmidt

    Lights for 2.5 gallon

    Need a skimmer? Not really. Will any tank benefit from a skimmer, I think so. Geoff doesn't use them (I believe) and his tanks a gorgeous. I would design you sump to be able to have a refugium just in case you want to add one later. If you can catch him Tswifty is one of the best sump...
  15. TimSchmidt

    My First Marine Tank 15G

    Nice! Any thoughts on the critters you want?
  16. TimSchmidt

    Finally put my tank together...

    We are still reading! :) This is one of the most popular threads on the site! :razz: I hate all the problems you have had but you are doing well. It's not a quick fix, but if all else fails you can take the tank and wrap it to deprive it of sunlight for three days (move any remaining corals...
  17. TimSchmidt

    starting a new 20L

    Is the photos are is that brain a bit pale? Tank looks great, just curious is the brain is bleaching.
  18. TimSchmidt

    A PICO!

  19. TimSchmidt

    Lights for 2.5 gallon

    Yes! The other tank is referred to as a sump or refugium (or fuge for short). The true difference is a sump houses water and tank equipment while a refugium is a small tank in the sump that is a safe refuge for critter like pods and other prey type creatures. A double ten gallon tank is a...
  20. TimSchmidt

    aquapod tanks

    A maxijet 1200 would work fine for up to about 3-4 feet of straight up travel. You don't want TOO much flow on the return, that is what power heads are for. Or you can get inventive and make a closed loop system. LOL but that is a lot for a nano! I would leave the baffle in the display...