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  1. skipm

    I need everyone's input/suggestions...

    You mentioned a compact fluorescent spotlight that is on melevsreef, do you have a link for it?
  2. skipm

    my MB 7

    Pretty neat little set up, too bad you are going to have to dismantle it.
  3. skipm

    Fish for my 30G FOWLR

    Sadie, The only problems I have heard about were with the yellow CLOWN gobies not the yellow WATCHMAN gobies. A YWG would be a good addition IMO, especially if you were to pair it up with a pistol shrimp. I am not sure if I would try the bi-color since they have a mixed reputation in...
  4. skipm


    I personally don't use anything to protect my hands but I should especially since I can get all of the medical gloves I want. It really is a good idea to wear gloves when working in your tank not only to protect you but to protect the tank from anything on your hands that did't get washed off...
  5. skipm

    Happy birthday Dj

    I hope you have a very Happy Birthday and wish you many more to come.
  6. skipm

    Pictures Finally

    I have to agree, be careful how much you feed. I feed my nano 2 or 3 times a week and have very fat, happy fish. If I were going to break a rock up it would be the one towards the left in the pic, the one on the right looks good the way it is IMO. LIke jesse said, smaller rocks are easier to...
  7. skipm

    Dirty tank bottom

    Another thing that helps make the sandbed look better is having some sand that is not too fine, this allows for alot of the poo and stuff to hide between the larger grains. I try to use a mixture of mostly fine grain sand with some that is a little coarser. HTH, Skip
  8. skipm

    Lights for a BTA

    I have to agree that the tank should mature to a minimum of 6 months old before attempting an anenome. What size tank is trhis going to be on?
  9. skipm

    Oceanic SaltMix High CA values

    It sounds like the biggest problem is that Oceanic salt is formulated to be mixed only up to 1.023, when ever it is mixed to a higher salinity is when you will run into problems with too high calcium levels. Pretty good idea about mixing salts to get the levels where you want them but I think...
  10. skipm

    trying to understand

    When you talked about the Palm filter for a refugium I thought you had pod production in mind. For a 7 gallon tank an Aquaclear 70 is the smallest I would mod into a refugium. Like Mike already mentioned you would have to modify it to slow the flow down. You could easily light it with one of...
  11. skipm

    2 weeks old NC12

    Things may look fine for now but you still need to give the system time to stabilize. Take a look at my signature line, I put it there because it is 100% true. Take your time and you will be rewarded with a minireef that you will be proud of. Rush things and things get expensive when they...
  12. skipm

    First Nano Effort...

    Another similar option would be a technical college that teaches cabinetry. I have to agree with Sadie, it seems like most commercially built stands are pretty pricey. That plus the fact that a good deal of the time they do not use the best materials to build with adds up to make me look for...
  13. skipm

    10 gallon nano help...

    Distilled is a good alternative if you don't have access to RO.
  14. skipm

    New Nano Tank

    THe 80 degree summer temp may be a bit of a problem, maybe the ICA chiller will be enough to offset any heat issues. Chris can give you a good idea of what the tank temps are like, he puts alot of research into the upgrades he does before he puts them on the market. :welcome to nanotank. HTH...
  15. skipm

    Oh Boy....My Winter project...

    That is one awsome little tank. Where in the world did you find one like that? I am very interested so keep us posted. Skip
  16. skipm

    JBJ Nano cube modifications? Best Nano setup pre-packaged?

    Most of the modifications with the exception of lighting are changeouts as opposed to a true DIY. The first changeout is to upgrade the return pump to have more flow, most people use a MiniJet 606. It is as simple as pulling the pump up and pulling the hose off and slipping it on the new pump...
  17. skipm


    There is some very nice looking aquascaping in your tank and alot of color. Once you can add fish again for some more movement you will have a very nice tank. Skip
  18. skipm

    What size Refuge light for a 20 gallon sump?

    Macros generally grow well under almost any light. If you want to continue with the fixture you are currently using thats fine but I would personally go with a lower K bulb when I replaced them. I would go with something like these mainly because the color temp is closer to sunlight...
  19. skipm

    My Nano Tank Died!

    No the 606s aren't bad on heat, I have one in my 6 galloon nanocube without any problems. I just wanted more flow in my 12 so thats why I used a different pump, I had originally used a 606 in it as well. HTH, Skip
  20. skipm

    First Nano Effort...

    That is a run of bad luck. I wish you a speedy recovery and hope you feel much better very soon. Skip