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  1. skipm

    New frags...

    Nice find!
  2. skipm

    Reefman's 20L...

    THings appear to be coming along nicely. I have been told that if you print off the webpage from the net with the price they will honor the online price in the store for the airpump,
  3. skipm

    NEW and excited!

    :welcome to nanotank. If you can take the Eclipse back and exchange it for a 5 1/2 gallon or 10 gallon tank you will find it much easier to light to a level where you can keep alot of corals. I have an Eclipse 6 and decided that it just wasn't worth trying to upgrade the lighting on so I...
  4. skipm

    PLEASE tell me im crazy....

    I was thinking 55 but with a well established pod population- Minimum 6 months but better yet one year old.
  5. skipm

    A question reguarding a brown algae problem!

    If you don't need alot of water this could be an option for you: ... 004+113775 . It is basically a DI filter with carbon to remove chlorine. If your water is real bad you will have to replace the cartridges more often but if your water is decent this...
  6. skipm

    amf82380's 5.5 g nano

    If your nitrIte levels are not at zero then one of your problems with the polyps is that you have not completed your cycle, ammonia and nitrite levels will be zero when your cycle is complete. The light you have has 2 9 watt bulbs and as Jesse said it isn't alot of light but should work for low...
  7. skipm

    Reefman's 20L...

    I built one of those air pump topoff units, works great and is very easy to DIY. I built it for my nanocube which I later learned I didn't need it for but I have it for the 10 I am in the process of setting up now.
  8. skipm

    DIY Canopy From the Hardware Store?

    :welcome to nanotank! Jesse is right, the spectrum of halogen lighting is not suitable for reeftanks.
  9. skipm

    2 weeks old NC12

    You need a surface skimmer to get the surface scum/slick away from the display area and then a protien skimmer may be able to help get rid of it. Without a surface skimmer the slick will stay in the display area and the protien skimmer will remove other organics. IMO the surface skimmer is the...
  10. skipm

    PLEASE tell me im crazy....

    I think you are making a wise decision. You can start planning the upgrade now, to me part of the fun of the hobby is making plans and changes until things get just the way you want them before spending any money.
  11. skipm

    amf82380's 5.5 g nano

    :welcome to nanotank. The LR does look a little big but I kinda like the look. I see quite a few places where you could place some corals and when it gets filled in it is going to look good. I also like the fact that you kept the rock off of the back wall of the tank.
  12. skipm

    Ages? Occupation? Pics?

    She likes the tanks, I have to convince her that they are her fish so she doesn't get jealous when I work on them. She doesn't watch them alot but she does occasionally. She also likes to watch TV but only when an animal show is on.
  13. skipm

    Here we go starting my first nano... *LOOK*

    Since your in California may be a bit quicker to get replacement parts.
  14. skipm

    Blue Carpet Anemone...

    I am at a loss for words, they are both absolutely gorgeous. As good as the tank looks in the pics I think it is probably even better in person, your tank is a work of art my friend.
  15. skipm

    Ages? Occupation? Pics?

    I just have one spoiled rotten labrador retreiver. We live in an almost 1600 square foot house and she rules every inch of it. As far as having more pups I don't think Sassy would approve, they would be fine unless I paid them any attention because if I did then we would both be in for it...
  16. skipm

    Reefman's 20L...

    That light should work out well, especially since its level is adjustable. Now its time to start planning the stocking list.
  17. skipm

    Reefman's 20L...

    Looking good. Is the light in a canopy or is it a strip type fixture? It doesn't seem like having black silicone would be a good thing but it adds something to the tank. I had a black siliconed tank and thought it just set the tank off or something.
  18. skipm

    7gmb new pictures (updated pic 4-30-06)

    Looks good, hopefully things will keep progressing.
  19. skipm

    2.5 gallon update - lots of pics

    I was looking at your pics earlier while I was on the phone, you have done an amazing job. Keep up the good work (and keep the pics coming too).
  20. skipm

    Ages? Occupation? Pics?

    Not only is it nice to be able to put a face with the name Ed but its GREAT to see a fellow dog lover!