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  1. skipm

    Reefman's 20L...

    I would go for 1 inch, 3/4" will handle very little flow and putting your hand in the tank could cause it to overflow.
  2. skipm

    2.5 rescaped (5-7-06)

    I bought an 11 inch PC fixture off of EBay that came with a 50/50 bulb and stands for $26 including shipping that fits great. It is a Jebo fixture and the stands are even the flip type so you can move the light out of the way when working on the tank.
  3. skipm

    RedSea Aqua Vase Update

    I think it is the standard light that comes with the Red Sea Candy Tank combos. They are also available for sale by themselves. Here is a link to the entire set-up: ... mdy00.aspx .
  4. skipm

    NEW and excited!

    There are a couple of canopy designs here but you would have to change some measurements to fit your tank but they may give you a general idea: ... opic=63394 . IMO building a canopy is going to be the best way to light your tank, even if you just build...
  5. skipm

    2 Week Cycle?

    Reefman covered it pretty well but I would wait until the nitrites read 0 before adding anything. A feww days of 0 readings on ammonia and nitrites and then I would start slowly adding cleaners.
  6. skipm

    Advice needed... quickly

    The bulbs are either 4 55 or 4 65 watters, 96 watt bulbs are about 3 feet long and the fixture is only 4 feet.
  7. skipm

    questions about DIY refugium (real not hob)

    If you can place the refugium right behind the tank you can use a U tube to keep the tanks at an equal level and use a powerhead in the refugium to pump water into the main tank which will then cause water to go from the tank to the refugium through the u tube in an effort to maintain equal...
  8. skipm

    Reefman23's 16g Bowfront...

    No problem, I appreciate the concern. I am going to try and get my hands on some FWE this weekend and will order it next week if I can't find any. How much did you dose? Did you just follow the package directions? Thanks
  9. skipm


    How much it hurts will depend alot on where you get stuck, the palms of our hands are fairly tough so it shouldn't hurt there alot but if you were stuck in the arm where you were reaching acrossed one it would be alot more painful. If you have an allergy to insects like bees or ants then you...
  10. skipm

    Reefman23's 16g Bowfront...

    I plan on ERADICATING (said with vengence) those little buggers, what I was getting at is I have no idea how they got in there since I hadn't added anything for several months to that tank other than flake food or prepared invert foods.
  11. skipm

    Reefman's 20L...

    Harbour Freight is a DIYers toystore!
  12. skipm

    NEW and excited!

    Are you a skilled DIYer? If so it would be easy to make a canopy for the tank and then install some PCs. If thats not an option I'll have to see what I can come up with, I am not familiar with a 16" light right off. Maybe someone else knows of one and will post shortly.
  13. skipm

    Reefman23's 16g Bowfront...

    I have some in my 12 gallon and I have no idea where they came from because I haven't added anything new to this tank for several months. I have been on the lookout for FWE but haven't found it locally so I guess its time for a net order.
  14. skipm

    Advice needed... quickly

    I agree that it looks to be a fair deal. The lights you picture are not standard lighting but power compact (PC) fluorescents which would be suitable for a reeftank (I would install new bulbs before use). You could sell the wet/dry "sump" to recover some money and make a sump out of a standard...
  15. skipm

    Ages? Occupation? Pics?

    jsholar, :welcome to nanotank! I am glad that you found us and that you have found us to be informative. Keep us posted on your progress and feel free to ask any questions you may have, there is alot of knowledge here on the board.
  16. skipm

    35 hex @ 1 month - and beyond

    I have some friends with a couple of tanks and the zoos they have look better in the tank with PC lighting but they reproduce alot better under the MH in the other tank but loose alot of color. They have moved some of the zoos back to the PCs and they colored back up but slowed on reproduction...
  17. skipm

    Reefman's 20L...

    A SCWD is kind of nice since it alternates your returns giving some change to your current. Another option since you won't have a crazy amount of flow would be to put a Hydor Deflector on each return to create a kind of random flow. You can also experiment with loc-line and the different...
  18. skipm

    Another DIY MOD this time to a corallife 18w 9in

    Thanks for the info. It looks great.
  19. skipm

    2 Gallon - Marineland Saltwater Tank

    That is kind of a neat little set-up. I think its great that you gave a home to a handicapped fish.
  20. skipm

    just started

    Mushrooms and most of the non bright colored polyps will probably do okay in your tank, unfortunately I don't think the brighly colored polyps will retain their color without more light. I would try the tank without hermits and if you see that you need a couple you can add them later.