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  1. L

    Low light coral

    Thanks for all of the help guys it is much appreciated. Upon researching my lights I finally found the website for coralife and here are the lights ... ionship=34 . Now on Dr. Foster & Smith's site it said that one 10w bulb equals a 50w florescent bulb...
  2. L

    Low light coral

    Ok thanks i will have to save up for new lights. I will have to do more research on those coralifes to see who else uses them and what corals they have in their tank.
  3. L

    Low light coral

    sorry, 10g :mrgreen:
  4. L

    Low light coral

    my bad I fogot how professional you guys are. my nitrates are 0, the tank is a month old and I do weekly water changes of 10%.
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    Low light coral

    Hi I am taking suggestions on low light corals. In my tank there is a fission nano skimmer, HOB filter with sponge and carbon, rio 90 (I have to check), heater of course and two coralife 10w mini compact flourescents 50/50. So my question is what can I keep in my tank? I trust you guys more than...
  6. L

    power filter help

    Thanks for all the feed back. I was a bit confused because i heard that running the filter is like recycling nitrates back into the tank. But thanks for clearing that up for me. PiratesReef i am not a member of the La reef club. Do you have info? And sorry about your 75 also. I hope we don't...
  7. L

    power filter help

    Hello, I am new to this forum and new to nanos as well. I had a 75 gallon FOWLR that my son absolutely loved. The storm :lighting came and went I was stuck in houston for 2 months and needless to say the tank turned into a cess-pool. Now everything is back in order my son is back home and i am...