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  1. P

    Newbie, First Tank, Advice Appreciated!

    Thanks for all the help and advice. I think I've decided to go with a 24g nano cube simply because it will be easier and less expensive in the long run. The pump upgrade is what I would have purchased for the 12g anyway, and with the improved glass etc. it looks like a good tank now. Plus...
  2. P

    Newbie, First Tank, Advice Appreciated!

    Thanks for all the help! Here's where I'm at after a lot of research... I think we could handle a 24g but I'm concerned about cracking etc. From what I heard the 12g was a much more stable design. Please correct me here. We would really like to have more fish than 1-2... If you think the 24g...
  3. P

    Newbie, First Tank, Advice Appreciated!

    I'm considering setting up my first saltwater tank. I had freshwater tanks when I was a kid, so I'm not altogether unfamiliar with aquariums, but I've never tackled saltwater before. I really like the nano cubes because they have a small footprint, are very attractive, and seem to be...