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  1. W

    RED SEA MAX 34 VS. JBJ 28 150 HQ

    Thanks for your candor and opinion. I've got a lot to learn. I've been doing a lot of research for a couple of months now on tanks, systems, corals and inverts. I'm really interested and read as much as I can and I'm trying to make an informed decision on what road to take. I hope you don't...
  2. W

    RED SEA MAX 34 VS. JBJ 28 150 HQ

    http://www.aquatichobbyaquariumsupply.c ... K&click=35 Skip, I reallly appreciate the response. The shop above says they have the Red Sea 34, and with FREE SHIPPING no less....that's not bad, if it's even true. From what I get from your post, the MH on the JBJ would allow be to keep the...
  3. W

    RED SEA MAX 34 VS. JBJ 28 150 HQ

    Which is the best buy here for a newbie --- the Red Sea Max 34 or the new 28 gallon JBJ with HQ? Looking for cost effectiveness, quality and being able to have a lot of options with what I can put in it...I'd start smaller, but I want as much H2O I can afford so if things go sour they don't...
  4. W

    Nano Cube vs. Bio Cube

    thanks a ton, i'll check this tank out.....
  5. W

    Nano Cube vs. Bio Cube

    I want to get a cube but see several different brands. What are the pros and cons of each? Nano cube? Bio Cube? I'm looking for quality and turnkey operation vs. poor quality and lots of upgrades....any advice about which one to go with?