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  1. skipm

    nano cube comparisons - please help

    Actually shipping on the Nanocube is no big deal, they can be bought from quite a few online vendors two of which I have bought from are located in Wisconsin and Ohio.
  2. skipm

    Hermit Crab With Eggs?

    If I am not mistaken when the crabs hatch they will be in a planktonic state and need food that is <100 microns IMO. Feeding is one of the biggest hurdles in raising CB fishes and inverts.
  3. skipm

    Hermit Crab With Eggs?

    I doubt you'll be able to do anything. The biggest problem is getting enough appropriate sized food for them, the other problem is alot easier to fix and that is you fish and filter feeders eating them. They will make some nice plankton for your fish and corals when they hatch.
  4. skipm

    just for fun

    I played for about 15 minutes and got as high as 676. My first try was 504, I guess it was beginners luck though.
  5. skipm

    Fully Custom NC12.

    Is the rear part divided at all or is it just one big sump? Your mods look great, professional looking job.
  6. skipm


    Products like Cycle and Biospira are for adding to your nitrifying bacteria which you already have, otherwise you would have ammonia and ntrite readings >0. Proper feeding and water changes along with cleaning mechanical media (if present) and you should begin to see a decline in the cyano.
  7. skipm

    Aquarium water

    If I were going to switch over thats what I would do, just use it for regular water changes. I would also get a couple of dedicated containers that aren't used for anything else. Make sure that they are approved as food safe, containers made for water storage would be great (make sure they're...
  8. skipm

    Biospira help, please

    I know I am a bit late responding but I have to agree that Biospira won't help with nitrates, if the problem were nitrites or ammonia then it could be useful. I feed my tank every 2-3 days and the tank looks fine, fish are nice and active and everything looks good. How is the flow in your...
  9. skipm

    Nano Bookshelf 6.6 Update 04/04/06

    Great looking tank, I hope it fares well during your absence. So far I have really liked all of these bookshelf tanks I have seen pics of. The shallow depth and wide view must have something going for them.
  10. skipm


    Am I on the right board? As long as I am here though I'll go with John on a big piece of banana bread, YUM.
  11. skipm

    Cleaner Shrimp Behavior

    Hopefully its just some kind of stress from the move or maybe a mild shock like mentioned. Keep an eye on him and see if he eats later. I wish you good luck with him.
  12. skipm

    Pirate's Reef

    I know I have read some of Burlesons stuff and the article you mention kinda rings a bell in the back of my mind but I can't recall any detail. I used to read everything I could get my hands on back then, when I would go into a LFS I would scan their books to see if they had any I hadn't read yet.
  13. skipm

    Lighting upgrade question

    Either one should work but I think the 70 is plenty for your tank. The mushrooms may need to be placed in slightly shaded areas or near the edges of the tank out of the most intense light but they can be acclimated to MH lighting.
  14. skipm

    Tell me if I am on the right track (Planning on 29g setup)

    :welcome to nanotank. Jesse has pretty much covered everything I was going to say. I do want to second that ASM skimmer, they have a model out (Mini G?) that sounds perfect for your tank. I do know their bigger models are great and would expect nothing different from their newest addition to...
  15. skipm

    Clown attacked?

    I have to agree that a 4 gallon tank may be a bit too small for a blennie to feel at home in, go with a smaller fish like one of the smaller gobies. There are some inverts like cleaner shrimp that would also work better as tankmates in the same tank with the clown.
  16. skipm

    Can someone please tell me . . .

    I am pretty sure thats a red macroalgae.
  17. skipm

    Shipping Containers

    I think they could work but I would be alot more comfortable with a larger water volume.
  18. skipm

    12 g nano cube at 3 months

    That is one nice tank, especially at only 3 months. I never thought a frogspawn that big would make such a nice addition to the front of a tank, I always thought of them more in the background due to the size.
  19. skipm

    Pirate's Reef

    This project just amazes me every time I see an update on it. I can't wait to see it in action. I can relate to your comment about work getting in the way of important things like reefing and the never ending list of things that need to be done around the house.
  20. skipm

    My 56 gallon custom acrylic, week zero through 6

    I really like the way your tank is starting to fill in. Before you know it the time for another tank will be here